Gossip Roundup: Jonathan Cheban Strikes Back
Jessica · 07/26/05 11:15AM
• Pity the fool who crosses the Robin to Lizzie Grubman's Batman. After his former client, Miami's Shelborne Hotel, reneges a free offer and ends up charging several luminaries for their hotel rooms, Jonathan Cheban uses Page Six to fight for the common man. No one will charge the Olsen twins $6000 dollars in hotel fees and get away with it! [Page Six]
• Supermodel Kate Moss is spotted out on the town with Johnny Knoxville. Not spotted: Moss' maybe-fiancé Pete Doherty, Knoxville's wife, or Jessica Simpson. [R&M (2nd item)]
• For an astronomical fee, Rudy Giuliani will gladly go to the site of terror attacks and comfort the locals. The question is, can you afford his affirmations of courage? [Scoop (2nd item)]
• Maybe it's just us, but we find it strangely amusing that director John Singleton is meeting with Paramount execs about hustlers selling pirated DVDs of his movie Hustle & Flow. [Lowdown]
Gossip Roundup: Jonathan Cheban Lurves Brittney Gastineau?
Jessica · 05/12/05 10:45AM
· If there's such a place as hell, publicist Jonathan Cheban and his alleged lover, reality twig Brittny Gastineau, will hold court from a gilded raft floating along the river Styx. [Lowdown]
· Supermodel Maggie Rizer finally files suit against her stepfather, who gambled and drank away $3.5 million of her earnings. Rizer, however, is suing for $24 million — a fine example of model mathematics. [Page Six]
· If they report on the William Morris suit against the Post, will the Daily News will be served papers, too? [R&M (2nd item)]
· Jeanette Walls takes the bait, reports that Radar reports that J.Lo is a diva when it comes to her own documentary. Follow that? [Scoop]
Remainders: Cheban Makes Last Minute Loathsome List
Jessica · 04/08/05 04:51PM
· Jonathan Cheban gets the honor of being a Loathsome Leftover. Better late than never. [NY Press]
· Tomorrow's Times corrections are now available. [Politicker]
· Daily News editor Michael Cooke rapes and pillages the business section, leaves only personal finance behind. [E&P]
· Ashlee Simpson's backstage rider includes pickle relish and pre-recorded sequences. She HAS to lip-sync, it's in her contract! [TSG]
· Our favorite reader translation of the Tory Burch Haiku: "I live in a third floor walk-up and order Chinese a lot / I love J-Lo's Hats / I have no idea how to sew."
Jonathan Cheban, Master Of Betrayal
Jessica · 02/24/05 03:47PMDress Me Up Cheban
Jessica · 02/02/05 11:37AM
I was sure I'd paid a lifetime's worth of journalistic dues after spending a strange Sunday evening with the inanely chipper celebu-lurker/frozen-food-flack Jonathan Cheban (despite the shiny hair, we're still pretty sure he's the fourth horseman of the publicist apocalypse). But once I received a package chock full of Cheban's Clarendon shirts (sized to fit), I realized the public deserved more. You're hungry. You know you want it, so please feast your eyes upon Cheban's designs, as worn by anonymodel Greg. We're sure you'll see plenty more of these spectacularly pricey cotton threads during Fashion Week, no?
My Foray Into Masochism: Dinner With Jonathan Cheban
Jessica · 01/31/05 10:51AMSave Jonathan Cheban!
Jessica · 01/27/05 10:49AMAnalyzing The Gawker-Cheban Continuum
Jessica · 01/26/05 03:06PMFrom: Robert
To: Gawker
Date: 1.26.2005
Subject: Has Jonathan Cheban encountered murky waters?
Help me understand... Yes this guy Cheban is without doubt an industrial size tool, but what makes the vacuous, celebrity obsessed Gawker crew any different? Is this not the proverbial pot and black kettle scenario?
Falling Hard And Fast With Jonathan Cheban
Jessica · 01/26/05 10:20AMJonathan Cheban: Hooray For Phones!
Jessica · 01/25/05 10:20AMJonathan Cheban, Nightlife Crusader For The Elite
Jessica · 01/17/05 12:05PMTeam Party Crash: Gotham And The Merchant Of Venice
Jessica · 12/07/04 12:18PM
Sunday night, when we should have been home watching HBO's The Wire, we attended we attended the Intrigue/Gotham party for the NYC premiere of The Merchant of Venice starring Al Pacino, Jeremy Irons, Joseph Fiennes, and Lynn Collins. Held at the newly-opened and painfully-hyped Aer Lounge (in, our favorite, the Meatpacking District), it appeared that most of the cast and crew were in attendance (you try fighting a key grip for a spot at the bar). It's through this celebuhaze that Andrew Krucoff and photographer Nikola Tamindzic offer a visual sampling of the scene. (And yes, pictured above is professional arm candy Jonathan Cheban chatting up Kelly Osbourne.)
The Jonathan Cheban Backlash Continues
Jessica · 11/18/04 09:33AM
After the Observer ran a profile on "schmooze" master Jonathan Cheban, who professes to be first-name-basis friends with "MK" and the like, we realized that, in all likelihood, no one on earth likes this man. As such, another reader writes in with an account of Jonathan Cheban, dedicated celebufriend and coattail-rider of the rich and fabulous:
Evil Cheban Plot For B-List Dominance Revealed
Jessica · 11/17/04 11:13AMJonathan Cheban, Professional Hanger On
Jessica · 11/17/04 08:56AMGood morning. Allow us to introduce you to Jonathan Cheban, who is, um, nobody, technically speaking, but has made a quasi-name for himself as the friend of such luminaries as Mischa Barton, the Olsens, and Lindsay Lohan. What does being a celebufriend entail? Take, for instance, a night at Marquee with Paris Hilton and Nicole Richie: