
LA Times Admits Error in Three Stories, Fires Reporter

Gabrielle Bluestone · 03/16/14 09:45PM

An LA Times reporter was fired for an inappropriate relationship with a source and three stories about sexual assault at Occidental College had to be corrected after the paper discovered a major error.

Adam Weinstein · 03/04/14 03:38PM

On the positive side, this means 10 out of 10 Americans think contact with HTML will prevent you from ever getting laid again.

Marine Corps Commandant Got So Mad at Newspaper, He Tried to Ban It

J.K. Trotter · 02/23/14 09:45PM

Last year, the Marine Corps Times reported that the Department of Defense was investigating Marine Corps Commandant General Jim Amos and four of his aides for allegedly manipulating the military’s legal system and promotion process. Amos couldn’t stop the independently-owned Times from doing its job, so he tried the next best thing: Completely banning its sale from all Marine Corps bases.

Woman Walks Up to TV News Crew, Admits to Repeatedly Stabbing Mother

Adam Weinstein · 02/20/14 04:30PM

A Knoxville, Tennessee news crew was covering the near-fatal stabbing of a 61-year-old woman at an apartment complex Tuesday morning when the victim's apparently disturbed daughter approached them and confessed to the crime, with the camera rolling.

Business Insider Changed its Story on Buzzfeed

Adam Weinstein · 02/11/14 10:32AM

Yesterday, Business Insider chief correspondent Nicholas Carlson stuck a subtle shiv into his competitors at Buzzfeed, attributing the site's success in exploiting Facebook's ever-evolving newsfeed algorithm to its practice of buying traffic in the form of Facebook ads—as opposed to, you know, attracting readers. Then he took it out. Without telling anyone.

Nope, Obamacare Won't Kill Two Million Full-Time Jobs

Adam Weinstein · 02/04/14 04:42PM

Papers and pundits screamed it today, in massive headlines. The conservatives cackled it. "OBAMACARE WILL MEAN 2 MILLION FEWER FULL-TIME WORKERS." It was bullshit, born of the media's oversimplification and the right wing's malicious stupidity. The truth is good news.

Gabrielle Bluestone · 01/30/14 11:33PM

Journalists in China are having a hard time staying there — writers for the New York Times and Bloomberg have faced multiple visa problems after publishing critical stories. Another Times reporter was forced out today, prompting an article documenting recent "signs of official displeasure with the newspaper."

Congressman Threatens to Throw Reporter Over Capitol Balcony on Camera

Gabrielle Bluestone · 01/28/14 11:43PM

NY1 reporter Mike Scotto had the audacity to refer to New York Rep. Michael Grimm's recent campaign finance issues during an interview tonight, and Grimm was not happy. So not happy that he threatened to throw Scotto over the balcony and told him, "I will break you in half" — all on-camera.

Should the AP Really Have Fired This Pulitzer-Prize War Photographer?

Adam Weinstein · 01/23/14 11:52AM

The Associated Press announced Wednesday that it had parted ways with Narciso Contreras, a freelance photographer who shared in a Pulitzer for his work in Syria last year. The reason Contreras was let go, basically, is that he tried too hard to meet a phony news-photo standard.

The Kellers Offered Cancer Tweeter a Place to Stay Before Trashing Her

Adam Weinstein · 01/16/14 11:21AM

Now we know why tweeting cancer chronicler Lisa Bonchek Adams was so blindsided by the critical columns ex-New York Times editor Bill Keller and his wife, Emma, wrote about her last week: The duo approached Adams as a friend and offered her lodgings during her treatment in New York.

"Don't Tase Me, Bro" Dude Has a New Journalism Job

Adam Weinstein · 01/14/14 09:43AM

Andrew Meyer caught viral fame in 2007 when, as a University of Florida student journalist, he tried to question then-Sen. John Kerry at an event and ended up tased by campus cops, despite his dudely entreaties for them not to do it. Guess what? Now he's on the press freedom beat!