
If Wikileaks Broke the Espionage Act, So Did the New York Times

John Cook · 11/30/10 01:22PM

Attorney General Eric Holder says the criminal investigation into Wikileaks founder Julian Assange is more than just "saber-rattling," and Justice Department officials are claiming he violated the Espionage Act. If that's true, isn't the New York Times guilty as well?

A Modest Proposal for the Future of Online Magazines

Hamilton Nolan · 11/29/10 01:03PM

For well over a decade, has tried to solve the puzzle of how to put out a daily online-only magazine featuring quality writing and journalism without losing money. They've failed. We have just one decent idea for their survival. Doesn't Seem to 'Get' The Onion

Max Read · 11/26/10 12:05PM

Fox News subsidiary Fox Nation posted an excerpt from a satirical Onion article in the "culture" section of its site on Friday. The only problem: They didn't tell anyone it was a joke.

TMZ's Secrets Revealed

John Cook · 11/19/10 04:32PM

We all knew Harvey Levin's TMZ pays people to leak information to them, as recently fired L.A. County Superior Court spokesman has been accused of doing. But their real secret? Just plant a staffer on the courthouse payroll. [Update below]