All My Girlfriends
Nick Denton · 01/10/08 04:20PMWhen Julia Allison, the Star Magazine talking head, explained her breakup with Jakob Lodwick, she blamed the charismatic uber-geek's hookup with one of her "close friends". One assumed Julia usually describes friends as close, so that didn't narrow down the field. But the former dating columnist wasn't exaggerating. We'd read their public breakup, a smaller Manhattan version of the tabloid-selling dissolution of Bennifer, was messy; and their downtown world incestuous. We only knew the half of it. [Warning: anyone who clicks on this story waives any right to complain about excessive coverage of Julia Allison.]
Julia Allison sends Jacob Lodwick into jealous rage FTW
Ryan Tate · 01/10/08 02:53AMJulia Allison breaks up with Vimeo founder (and recent porn trafficker!) Jacob Lodwick after he refuses to take a meeting with Sequoia Capital. Julia is then spotted partying in Vegas with a Sequoia Capital suit named Mark Kvamme (pictured). And, finally, last night, Julia opens her heart to a conversation with Jacob to find — who could guess?? — that he says "things to me that I wouldn't say to the worst human being I know." [JuliaAllison.com]
Funny Or Die
Nick Denton · 01/09/08 11:24AMThere's one interesting angle to the sighting in Las Vegas of Julia Allison, Star Magazine's talking head, with Mark Kvamme. The Silicon Valley venture capitalist is the main backer of Funny Or Die, the comedy site co-founded by Will Ferrell; and Julia Allison's said to be pitching her own show. Related? One hopes not. The former sex columnist's humor, despite all her other talents, is usually inadvertent. Allison would be better off choosing a platform in which the options — be funny, or die — are less stark.
Julia Allison canoodles with Sequoia moneyman
Jordan Golson · 01/09/08 07:14AMA tipster spotted the female half of Gawker's (and Valleywag's) favorite ex-couple, Julia Allison, leaving a CES party in Las Vegas with venture capitalist Mark Kvamme of Sequoia Capital. Kvamme, who was a frequent target of Valleywag emeritus Nick Denton, is responsible for Sequoia's investments in promising companies like LinkedIn. Oh, and also AdBrite.
Nobody Cares
Maggie · 01/04/08 11:35AMFameballs Are The Future
Nick Douglas · 01/03/08 08:14PMWednesday readers were shocked — shocked — to see Julia Allison talk about her life on the very site that through lurid coverage had transformed the columnist-pundit from someone no one knows about to someone Gawker readers know about. She's our symbol of the loathsome self-promoter, apparently because no one in New York realizes that her exhibitionist habits are perfectly normal.
Do I just want to eat her alive?
behrle · 01/03/08 11:11AMJulia Allison, the self-promoter and self-exposer, had largely won over her online critics, yesterday — until she brought up her former boyfriend's psychiatric problems. Some things, believe it or not, are not meant to be public. Jim Behrle, creator of Kreepie Kats, was inspired. (By the way, Kreepie Kats, rather than running once a week, will appear as the stories fall.)
Previous Kreepie Kats cartoons.
A life in public
Nick Denton · 01/02/08 08:57PMFormer girlfriend says Vimeo founder fired for insubordination
Tim Faulkner · 01/02/08 07:20PMJulia Allison Answers Your Questions, Evidently Not Your Prayers
Richard Lawson · 01/02/08 06:20PMFamous television commentator and Gawker punching bag Julia Allison live blogged with us today! Okay, not so much "live blogged" as much as "dove into the swirling frenzy of commenting and tried to keep herself afloat." She was asked many questions about fame, shame, and what, if any, blame she should take for the current state of the union. Was the experiment a success? How relative is the term "success"? Who knows. But she got everyone riled up and that's got to count for something. We've sifted through her answers and come up with a handy list of 7 Things You Didn't Know About Julia Allison. Edification, mystification, and infuriation await you after the jump.
Julia Allison Has Come
Richard Lawson · 01/02/08 02:13PMLodwick's latest project is homeless humor
Tim Faulkner · 01/02/08 01:24PMAmateur attention seeker and entrepreneur Jakob Lodwick may be releasing a new project soon with David Karp, the creator of blogging tool Tumblr. Lodwick recently cut ties with both his beau, Julia Allison, and Connected Ventures, the startup he founded, now controlled by IAC and best known for Vimeo and College Humor. Without Barry Diller's backing or Allison's cleavage, how will the pasty, shirtless hipster generate the buzz he's grown to expect but rarely deserves? By mocking the homeless.
Julia Allison To Answer Readers' Questions Right Here
Richard Lawson · 01/02/08 12:01PMThough she hardly needs an introduction on these pages, we'll give her one anyway because she is being kind (and ballsy) enough to throw herself to the wolves. An Editor-at-Large for Star magazine, a columnist for Time Out New York, and a frequent guest on various news programs such as Fox News' Red Eye, Julia is also famous for having dated one Jakob Lodwick, a College Humor millionaire. They even had a website that chronicled their life together! Sadly, Jakob has moved on to other pastures, but Julia remains strong and feisty! So feisty in fact that she's going to answer your questions on this very weblog. She'll be logging on at 2pm EST and hanging around in this post, so please come by and ask her things. Be as kind and respectful as possible, of course. We don't want to scare her off.
Jakob Lodwick Sure Didn't Stay Single For Long
Emily Gould · 12/28/07 02:34PMSay what you will about fired Vimeo person and College Humor millionaire-boy Jakob Lodwick: He has strategies for staying in the limelight, even after his highly self-publicized breakup and co-blog dissolution with Star editor-at-large Julia Allison. Such as: Appearing half (or possibly fully!) nude on some other girl's Tumblelog!
Get your degree in JakobandJuliaology
Nicholas Carlson · 12/26/07 12:40PM
According to rough stats from Compete, Connected Ventures cofounder Jakob Lodwick and professional geek groper Julia Allison's joint blog, JakobandJulia.com, saw nearly 14,000 unique visitors in November. We're not privy to the algorithm, but our guess is that might be enough get the pair an A in Jamie WIlkinson's "Internet Famous" class at the Parsons design school in New York City.
Kevin Rose, Julia Allison to date
Owen Thomas · 12/24/07 05:00PMNotorious nerdbody Julia Allison, the Star editor-at-large best known for her geek conquests, has this to share with Valleywag: Digg cofounder Kevin Rose has asked her out on a date. Really, could she have come with a more thoughtful present for a gossip blogger? How sweet. Let me go out on a limb here with my prediction: This is going to end badly. Incredibly, someone has already registered kevinandjulia.com.
Dating Columnist Takes Brave Stand Against Tabloid Era!
Choire · 12/18/07 04:10PMJulia Allison, the editor at large for a magazine called Star, has issued a bold treatise in support of the work of Rachel Sklar, the Huffington Post media critic. "Rachel calls out the media on their hypocrisy in a FAIR way, which, it might be noted, is a quality many journalists today sadly lack," Allison writes. "They seem to think that in order to be critical, they have to be bitchy/snarky/cruel or—on the other extreme—they don't analyze critically at all, instead choosing to come down predictably (lazily!) with a hackneyed throw-away blurb and maybe an ad-hom attack, just to spice things up. It's nice to see a writer really THINKING about the issues about which she writes. You can tell she's a lawyer by training."
Relive the disgusted voyeurism of Jakob and Julia with the new John and Jen
Nick Douglas · 12/13/07 08:37PMAnother startup boy and his girlfriend have started a Tumblr blog to overchronicle their relationship. Shortly after Vimeo founder Jakob Lodwick and TV personality Julia Allison broke up and ended their blog Jakob and Julia, John Shankman (an employee of the Federated Media online ad agency) started the semi-anonymous JohnandJen.net.
New low for guy who can't buy a date: rejected by Julia Allison
Nicholas Carlson · 12/10/07 01:25PMSilicon Alley meetup impresario Brett Petersel, roundly mocked here and elsewhere for offering to pay anyone $25 to set him up on a date, has had a taste of fame and can't get enough. He's even planning to start a business based on the "buzz." Problem is, Petersel isn't as good at leveraging his newfound microcelebrity as he is hosting meetups for Silicon Alley wantrepreneurs and their VC patrons. His latest blunder?