
Meghan Asha isn't into Michael Arrington's money

Nicholas Carlson · 02/04/08 07:30PM

Michael Arrington's on-again, off-again flame Meghan Asha is not the golddigger some of you — tsk, tsk — unfairly presume her to be. Turns out she's loaded! Like private jet, loaded. "She's from the Bay Area," a tipster tells us,"and at least one of her parents is a big deal. Apparently [Asha's] family paid for the private jet that she and Julia Allison took from CES to the Crunchies." If this news is meant to warm people's hearts to Asha, it just might — until they reach the conclusion that she must actually be into him. (Photo by Robert Scoble)

'Little Sister' Steals Boyfriend, Then Limelight

Nick Denton · 02/01/08 05:38PM

First Leven Rambin, the 17-year-old actress from the daytime soap, All My Children, hooks up with Julia Allison's boyfriend, the magnetic but possibly bipolar Jakob Lodwick. And Allison, Star Magazine's designated talking head on subjects such as premature celebrity death, had regarded Leven as her "adopted little sister". What could be possibly be more cruel than that? Blonde Leven (right) was much photographed at last night's premiere party for doomed TV show, Lipstick Jungle. (One pap agency reckons she's the next in a line for stardom, and degradation, behind Britney, Paris and Lindsay.) Paparazzi? Call Julia Allison! The attention-seeking former dating columnist, seen here on the left, would have been there in a flash. Stealing her boyfriend? Forgiven. Now let's pout for the cameras in an incestuolesbian pose. Except, as several party-goers noticed, Allison was out of the frame. Seems her former protege's publicist kept them apart. Association with Allison, after the hookup triangle became public, is now bad for Leven's image.

Skippy Finally Wins Mallory's Heart

Richard Lawson · 02/01/08 10:39AM

[TV pundit Julia Allison with Mens Vogue editor Hud Morgan (who Julia says is doing his best "Blue Steel"), at the premiere party for the new television show Lipstick Jungle, last night in New York. More photos here]

Jakob Lodwick claims he'll behave like a normal human being. Right.

Mary Jane Irwin · 01/31/08 08:00PM

Wacky entrepreneur-turned-egoblogger Jakob Lodwick has vowed that from here onward, he'll reveal "less, not more" about his life online. A wise move that would prevent him from, say, deleting entire blog entries as soon as they're reported on. Buried deep within his Normative nonexplainer is his new philosophy of revealing "a morsel" rather than his whole "lunch" because he's learned some sort of lesson. The real reason? Without Julia Allison, he's just not that interesting.

J*l*a A*l*s*n Demands Wiki Photo Removed, Once Again Reinforces Negative Stereotype of J*l*a A*l*s*n

Joshua David Stein · 01/31/08 06:19AM

Star editor-at-large, pundit and person Julia Allison has a Wikipedia page. On it, there is a not very flattering picture. On the inexorably long Wikitalk page, Allison demands that the photo be removed. "With regard to Christopher's photograph, I would appreciate if it were removed. I didn't ask for this wikipedia site, and frequently people post such atrocious - and false - things about me on here it actually brings me to tears. ...I get a ton of crap in my career, and I'm asking you respectfully, as fellow human beings, to understand that I just don't like that photograph. That's all. I don't think it looks like me and given what I understand about wikipedia policy, you're supposed to err on the side of caution." Obviously, the photo is still up. Obviously, it looks like her. Why exactly she feels such strong antipathy for the photograph may be extrapolated from a recent tumblr post.

TechCrunch editor's girlfriend needs your vote

Paul Boutin · 01/30/08 04:10PM

Meghan Asha, the alleged squeeze of TechCrunch editor Michael Arrington, is getting whupped by her BFF and notorious nobody Julia Allison by a ratio of more than 2 to 1 in Valleywag's latest runoff poll. Come on, Crunchers, you can't blame Nader for this one. Vote now!

J*l*a A*l*s*n and the Dog on Her Chest

Joshua David Stein · 01/22/08 06:00AM

Star magazine editor-at-large, serial oversharer, and a woman who straddles many things one of them being the line between self-awareness and cluelessness Julia Allison has a tumblr page which allows those interested to read a steady stream of her thoughts as they are thought. In fact, she kind of takes credit for the tumblr phenomenon, also as we mentioned. And it's true. She uses it to great effect. Take yesterday's post for instance, an example of shortburst genius that manages to be creepy, informative, slightly alluring and completely unneccessary!

Who made Tumblr's David Karp so famous?

Nicholas Carlson · 01/21/08 03:40PM

"My bf is like, so famous," David Karp's girlfriend Amy notes on her blog. And it's increasingly true. Yesterday found Karp featured in the New York Post's gossip rag, Page Six magazine. Just a few days before that, the New York Observer asked, "Would You Take a Tumblr With This Man?" You'll never guess who's taking credit for all the attention. Here's a hint: She's Julia Allison. Oops, ruined that game.

What Jakob Wants

Richard Lawson · 01/21/08 10:48AM

As a commenter here once pointed out, Star magazine TV pundit Julia Allison has learned the hard way that there's always someone younger and hotter. Apparently, there's always someone more famous, too. Fameball ex-boyfriend and "celebrity" geek Jakob Lodwick has announced plans to befriend young Hollywood, starting with Scarlett Johansson. Better a stepping stone than not a stone at all, Jules.

J*l*a A*l*s*n Takes Credit For Tumblr

Joshua David Stein · 01/18/08 05:20AM

Star magazine editor-at-large, once-lover of Jakob Lodwick et al and a woman about whom we write about often but rarely without deep ambivalence Julia Allison wrote this on her tumblr page: "I would like to take credit for what is SURE to be a domino-effect of the dregs of Manhattan media all jumping on Tumblr's boat together, like little esoteric rats. Sigh. First Doree, now Alex. Who's next, Jeff Bercovici? Rachel Sklar? Emily Gould's new dog?!?!?! MY MOM???" The others I agree with but Julia Allison's mom is a dreg of Manhattan media too? Way harsh, JA! Also, as Guestofaguest notes, there is no domino-effect to speak of. And finally, Ms. Allison went to 'Rent' alone which, when I think about it, is pretty awesome and fitting.

"What is the difference between a dating expert and a slut with a pen?"

Nick Denton · 01/17/08 12:27PM

Before Julia Allison was Julia Allison, the TV talking head for Star Magazine, she was Julia Baugher, dating columnist for Coed magazine. You knew that. But what was the younger, naive Julia like, before coming to the big city to make it in media? Answer: even more self-promoting and self-revealing than she is now. Here's a rare tape of an interview on the raunchy talk show, Opie & Anthony. Sample question: what is the difference between a dating expert and a slut with a pen? Answer: "Dating experts have methodology. Whereas sluts with pens just go for it. Probably with alcohol. I only involve alcohol when absolutely necessary." For this, and the young Julia's explanation of how she improved her mediocre blow-job technique, watch the clip. (Thanks, Matt.)

Where'd you go over the holidays?

Nicholas Carlson · 01/15/08 11:00AM

Cabo, it's supposed to be the West Coast's Mexico. But here's photographic evidence that Silicon Alley entrepreneurs (and B.J. Novak from "The Office," back left) like to play in the Pacific, too.

We wear our sunglasses at night

Owen Thomas · 01/14/08 01:04AM

No, I don't understand Paul Boutin's fixation with Bono, either. But he brought a fistful of sunglasses to Moose's on Friday, and before we knew it, everyone was putting them on. The bar's lighting is already moody, and let me tell you, when you put on a pair of Bulgari, it gets murkier than an open-standards discussion list. Things got even geekier when the boys from Uncov rolled in. And then, out of nowhere — well, out of Las Vegas, really — Julia Allison and Meghan Asha showed up to glam up the evening. Did we say "happy hour"? Our apologies. We practically closed the place. Next Friday: Natali Del Conte's going-away party.

A Faustian Bargain

behrle · 01/11/08 11:03AM

[A Kreepie Kat Round Table on the nature of fame, by Jim Behrle]