
Why Is There No Good Gossip Anymore?

Emily Gould · 12/10/07 10:50AM

"Now that J&J.com is over, did we learn anything from the experiment?" asks College Humor founder and deep thinker Ricky Van Veen, referring to the recent demise of Ricky's buddy Jakob Lodwick and Star Editor at Large Julia Allison's website and relationship. "Yes — that the gossip industry works on a model that can be disrupted. The gossip industry is built on second hand information, information embargoes, secret sources, tips, etc. But what if the people who are being gossiped about bypass that inaccurate mechanism and just make the information public in real time? ... That kind of universal transparency would put Page Six out of business." Right, if Lindsay Lohan was like "It's 10 on Sunday, I got a manicure today, I just relapsed and snorted a fistful of coke" at lindsaylohan.blogspot.com, Page Six would have nothing to write about. Ricky is so incredibly off-base. Except maybe, in a twisted way, he's also partly right?

Jakob Lodwick reclaims soul, earns girlfriend's scorn

Nicholas Carlson · 12/06/07 02:00PM

Sorry people, show's over. Connected Ventures cofounder Jakob Lodwick has pulled the plug on JakobandJulia.com, his joint venture with his girlfriend, Star editor-at-large, and geekboy aficionado Julia Allison. "My interest in creating fuel for the gossip sites has dried up," Lodwick writes on the blog. "I don't enjoy the attention anymore." We'll hold you to that, Mr. Lodwick. Allison, however, doesn't seem like she's going to hold you much at all anymore, judging by the following response.

The End Of Jakob And Julia

Emily Gould · 12/06/07 11:50AM

Vimeo founder and recent firee Jakob Lodwick and his girlfriend, Star Editor at Large Julia Allison, have decided to end their shared website venture. "I don't enjoy the attention anymore. Don't misunderstand that: I love attention when it is earned. I love celebrity that sits atop compelling achievement," Jakob writes. Julia pointed out that Jakob refused to come with her to a meeting with Sequoia Capital, "one of—if not THE—biggest venture capital firms in Silicon Valley." Then she pointed out that "This was YOUR idea in the first place." She wrote: "I think it's really sad. I think you're really sad." She was addressing Jakob, but she might as well have been talking to you, or to me.

Laurel Touby's Inability To Use The Internet Creates Mayhem

Choire · 12/04/07 10:00AM

Last night, Mediabistro founder Laurel Touby wonderfully displayed her utter inability to use email. (Once again, we question how this woman founded an internet company and sold it for $23 million.) Rebecca Fox, Mediabistro's managing editor, had sent out an email alert that News Corp. had bought Beliefnet.com. Rebecca did not bcc the email list—and so her boss Laurel replied to all. Which started a most unholy email chain!

'AMNY' Wants Dating Columnists; Does Not Want Julia Allison

Maggie · 12/03/07 04:50PM

It seems that amNewYork is hiring dating columnists, but if you're anything like their former dating columnist Julia Allison, don't even think about applying. Says the ad: "We're looking for serious writers who can wax on a weekly topic with spunk and flair. We want several columnists who can sprinkle their stories with personal experiences, but also interview others (including experts) to round things out. Carrie Bradshaw wannabes need not apply." [Ed2020]
Earlier: Julia Allison Has An Opening That's Perfect For You!

Did Julia Allison's boobs get Jakob Lodwick fired?

Owen Thomas · 11/30/07 09:31PM

Jakob Lodwick, the Vimeo founder allegedly fired today from the IAC-controlled online-video site loves to post racy photos of himself and his love, notorious New York nobody and Star editor-at-large Julia Allison. That fact can't have been lost on his corporate overseers, which makes commenter brigamortis's theory — that he'd been fired for posting a mildly salacious photo of Allison to his personal blog — seem ridiculous on its face. Still, Lodwick took the photo in question off his blog, a move which raises suspicions. We obtained the photo, above. Could Allison's knockers really have gotten Lodwick canned?

"Twentysomething boy millionaire" explains how Web works to "younger person"

Nicholas Carlson · 11/28/07 03:40PM

Jakob Lodwick took a moment away from running the video site he founded, Vimeo, to blog some of the advice he'd been giving a "younger person named Chris about web development." Younger? This from a guy Wallstrip's Lindsay Campbell described as "just a normal, twentysomething boy millionaire." Share with us, oh wise and aged one, your precious pearls. No, not those. Eww. Save those for Julia Allison. Your pearls of wisdom, Jakob.

Emily Gould · 11/26/07 03:50PM

No wonder Star Editor at Large Julia Allison has so much time to spend updating her Tumblr blog with daydreams about what color bike she'd like for Christmas and whether she should attend holiday parties as a Slutty Elf or a Slutty Mrs. Claus: she has fully outsourced the writing of her Time Out dating column to the denizens of Craigslist. "Hi! I'm the dating columnist at Time Out New York - and I'm doing a column on the craziest, most unique way you ever approached a stranger to ask her out on a date. Did you hear about that guy who saw a girl on the L train and made a drawing and then a WEBSITE about her in order to find her? (NYGirlofMyDreams.com) - I know him and I think he's totally brave and VERY inspiring ... But I'm sure he's not the only guy in New York to ask a girl out in a really different way ... please email me and tell me what YOU'VE done!" You know what? Don't email Julia—if you have a totally crazy and over the top story about how you asked someone out, email us and we'll make you even more famous on the Internet.

Desperate for attention, Yahoo signs columnist desperate for attention

Nicholas Carlson · 11/26/07 12:19PM

Forget acquiring Facebook or turning its search business over to Google. Yahoo knows the one move it needs to make to save itself: Sign Julia Allison! That's right, the notorious New York nobody and Star editor-at-large — captured in the video below writhing on a beach in a bathing suit — convinced Yahoo to rerun archived dating columns she wrote in college and later for the transit rag AM New York and for Time Out New York. What's next for Yahoo, massage ads in the back?

A Gawker Thanksgiving

Joshua Stein · 11/21/07 05:00PM

Every year Gawker commenter and ad sales guy (and the best argument for abolishing the divide between editorial and advertising) LolCait has a super special Thanksgiving in his mind. There all of his and your favorite characters meet and dreams come true. This year Laurel Touby hosts.

Avert your eyes, it's JakobandJulia.com

Nicholas Carlson · 11/19/07 12:00PM

Connected Ventures cofounder Jakob Lodwick and notorious New York nobody Julia Allison now plan to more efficiently whore their relationship in a joint blog venture. Consider it the Hulu of self-promotion. If only you people would stop paying attention, this could all just go away. Sure, Lodwick's Vimeo, an online video-sharing site, is so pretty that rumor has it MySpace wants to poach its designer. But that doesn't explain why you're transfixed by the man himself, or his geek-seeking missile of a girlfriend. You people need to stop. In fact, don't read any further. Look away from the following image of Jakob and Julia, sprawled on the beach. It's for your own good.

Google passes, Hearst flunks NY cafeteria inspection

Nicholas Carlson · 11/16/07 01:08PM

Despite condemnations from Star editor and notorious nobody Julia Allison, who called Google's New York cafeteria "questionable," the New York Department of Health has decided the loudly colored eatery is safe enough for now, according to health-inspection reports found by the Hygenie blog. It's cleaner, even, than old-media stalwart Hearst's cafeteria. This despite the fact that Google houses its New York office in a grimy old Soho Chelsea bus repair shop and Hearst just spent $500 million on its new headquarters. (Photo by advencap)

Emily Gould · 11/14/07 11:00AM

When Star Editor at Large Julia Allison's dog Lilly was running amok in our office yesterday, she had a wardrobe malfunction! That's right: vadgeflash.

Joshua Stein · 11/13/07 03:35PM

Out smoking a cigarette with Gawker ad sales, we learned that tonight they are hosting an event at the Manhattan Gun Club called "Girls and Guns" during which they take ladies from advertising firms to a gun range. This sounds awesome. Unrelated: Why the fuck is Julia Allison in our office again today? And why is her little dog Lilly walking around on desks? What a bitch.

Is Patrick 'NY Dream Girl' Moberg's Love At First Sight "Just Sex And Ego"?

Emily Gould · 11/07/07 10:40AM

Were we wrong to jump so quickly to the conclusion that Patrick Moberg, the mussy-headed dude who is searching for his 5 train Cinderella online, didn't fall deeply in love during the moments of eye contact the two shared before disembarking at Bowling Green Sunday night? "Patrick is one of the sweetest, shyest guys, and this is in no way a publicity stunt. And you know what? Maybe it's not the worst thing to believe in miracles and rainbows and love at first sight on the subway," posited the noted love expert, Star editor-at-large Julia Allison. Well, miracles and rainbows may exist, but according to today's Guardian, love at first sight sure as hell doesn't.

Blame the blogger, not the blog

Tim Faulkner · 11/06/07 03:51PM

Tumblr, the cute blogging tool that recently received $750,000 in funding, has been touted as enabling unique habits not possible with other blogs. Habits that include boring one's readers more frequently throughout the day. Now Ricky Van Veen, editor of CollegeHumor, is blaming Tumblr for the same thing. Van Veen thinks Tumblr causes bloggers to post too often. He is frustrated that his friends are posting inanities not worth reading. And yet he finds himself obsessively following these trite microposts. According to Van Veen, Tumblr is the problem.