
Reddit throws NYC drinkfest, but everyone's thirsting for Julia

Nicholas Carlson · 11/04/07 04:16PM

EAST VILLAGE, NEW YORK — Steve Huffman and Alexis Ohanian, who sold social-news website Reddit a year ago to the publisher of Wired, brought Reddit's beer-laden world tour to New York last night. And, on the promise of an open bar from 7 till last call, the people showed. Among the crowd a pair of Condé Nast Newhouses and a whole mess of Silicon Alley's scruffiest. What'd I learn? Some tidbits such as that Huffman doesn't always flush and that at Reddit, Ohanian just draws the aliens. But mainly we learned that the people wanted to know: Would Jakulia show?

"Golden Nasty" and other queries you don't want to share

Nicholas Carlson · 11/02/07 04:22PM

Remember Hakia? It's the here-today, likely-gone-tomorrow search engine which allows users to meet other users searching for the same topic. A frightening feature, to be sure. But it'd be worse if Hakia members actually had to meet each other in person. Starting with the obvious, here is a list of queries whose searchers you don't want to meet. (Or maybe you do. Pervert.)

Emily Gould · 10/29/07 12:10PM

Star editor-at-large Julia Allison and new web venture capitalist Jakob Lodwick spent a record three nights in a row together, in spite of his intimacy issues. Issues which are totally being assuaged by having a girlfriend who plays "Goin' To The Chapel" over a video of the two of them! [Julia's Tumblr]

Emily Gould · 10/22/07 02:10PM

"I'm going on a date with a *new* guy on Wednesday, and I practically begged him not to google me. 'It'll be post-post modern! A REAL blind date!' I insisted, hoping the tiniest bit of desperation didn't creep into my voice. I just want, for once, the kind of date I used to have ... the kind where I didn't have to spend the evening explaining various humiliating blog posts, and the guy didn't think he needed to bring an NDA... you know, just in case. Ah, memories." That's apparently single and definitely oversharey Star Editor-at-Large Julia Allison writing on her blog, where, despite your best efforts, she is still her own worst enemy.

New York nobody calls for innovative new platform

Nicholas Carlson · 10/22/07 12:36PM

Julia Allison, self-described "small yappy dog" and Star editor-at-large, has a new request for geeks, besides some hot, sweaty configuration of her servers. Because she can't keep herself from stalking ex-boyfriends, Allison wants "a small platform" that "blocks whatever URLs you type in (including Facebook profiles, Flickr photostreams, even, yeah, Vimeo channels), for a limited period of time, which you can adjust accordingly." Julia, off switch. Off switch, Julia.

The Political Is Extremely Impersonal At 'Radar'

Joshua Stein · 10/18/07 02:39PM

Last night Radar, which is a magazine, threw a party at Goldbar for its new Politics issue. Outside, someone said that if Goldbar disappeared at that moment from the face of the earth, no one in New York would be offended. But there were free drinks, gold plated skulls, a slew of enemies and a couple of friends and a few awkward situations. Nikola Tamindzic was there to capture the gilded glory of it all.

Vimeo founder launches HD video, another naked picture of self

Nicholas Carlson · 10/17/07 11:21AM

Vimeo added high-definition videos to its site today. On hearing the news, Silicon Alley Insider yawned. "Streaming videos that are four times as sharp costs four times as much, and video companies are having a hard enough time making a living off of the crappy-definition stuff." I'm just worried this means founder Jakob Lodwick will add HD videos to his large collection of topless photos. What does an attention whore look like in high-def?

Choire · 10/09/07 10:30AM

From the mailbag: "In the off-chance she hasn't told you herself, New York magazine is doing a full-length (3000+ words) think piece on the splendor that is Julia Allison [with writer Stephen Rodrick]. It's completely unrelated to Vanessa Grigoriadis's Gawker feature, which is being considered for, but is unlikely to get, the next cover." *Shudder*

Google VP needs a new shirt

Owen Thomas · 10/04/07 12:37PM

Spotted at last night's party at the Googleplex New York: Douglas Merrill, a Google engineering VP who's kind of a geek hottie. Actually, majorly nerd smoking. No, scratch that: The Brad Pitt of brainiacs. Except for his fashion sense. A Valleywag fashion correspondent, working incognito, reports that Merrill was wearing the same exact red paisley shirt he was photographed in for his publicity shot, above. What? With his Google stock options, the man can't afford more than one party shirt? Dougie, give desperate geek-seeking missile Julia Allison a call. The Star magazine editor would be glad to dress you. Or undress you.

Google stinks!

Owen Thomas · 10/04/07 12:07PM

Julia Allison, the notorious nobody who clings to Gawker like a barnacle ... I mean, a Facebook application developer to the red-hot social network, has discovered that Google is not all it's cracked up to be. First of all, the hygiene in the Google New York cafeteria? Not so good. And Google Husband Finder? Not even in beta yet.

Inside The Google Cafeteria

Emily Gould · 10/04/07 09:50AM

Five women and one man were riding in the elevator up to last night's needlessly exclusive party "for media" at the West Chelsea Googleplex last night. The women all wore similar, similarly officey outfits: tight black slacks, two-inch heels and shiny blouses accented by conspicuous yet conservative jewelry. They stared at my tattoos, and at my nametag, which read "Kate Appleton, BudgetTravel.com." Uh oh. "You don't look like Kate Appleton," the one man finally ventured. He turned out to be Kate's boss. The women shot me withering stares, clearly displeased that I was resorting to subterfuge in order to gain access to the hotbed of Google bachelors that no doubt awaited us on the 16th floor. And then we got out of the elevator and emerged into what looked exactly like a high school cafeteria. How appropriate.

Party at the New York City Googleplex!

Owen Thomas · 10/03/07 04:51PM

We're getting live reports on who's making it past the velvet rope at Google's New York party. The bash, held in Google's West Chelsea offices at 76 Ninth Avenue, has already kicked up a fuss. Google's controlling-but-not-that-bright PR people have tried to limit the guest list to consumer and fashion reporters, figuring they'd be more likely to critique the buffet and less likely to ask pesky questions about the search engine's business practices. So far, they've had mixed results. Here's who we've heard has showed up so far — and who's been barred at the door.

Emily Gould · 10/03/07 03:35PM

Does Julia Allison have an Electra complex? "He is gregarious, a consummate networker, and one of the best public speakers I have EVER seen... Happy Birthday, Dad. I love you!" wrote Star Editor at Large Julia Allison on her blog. She also posted this picture of her pops, circa 1979. We put that next to a picture of her boyfriend, Jakob Lodwick. And, well. Hmm! [Julia Allison]


Emily Gould · 10/03/07 12:20PM

"I believe I am an early-stage Fameball, and nothing I do or say will change my trajectory. I will attempt to use this to my advantage," Vimeo founder and Star Editor At Large Julia Allison doinker Jakob Lodwick has been quoted as saying. Upon hearing Jakob's self-analysis, our first response was: "we want to quit our jobs." After all, writing about how obnoxious it is that Jakob has declared the process of his fame-accumulation unavoidable is, inescapably, part of the problem. After all, Jakob defines the fameball phenomenon as "individuals whose fame snowballs because journalists cover what they think other people want them to cover." But all that doesn't necessarily mean that Jakob is right.

Jakulia Allodwick Back On, Grosser Than Ever

Emily Gould · 10/02/07 11:55AM

"Every woman in the history of the world, at one point or another, has voiced complaints to the man she's seeing—and it is our collective fantasy (something which almost always remains a fantasy) that said man actually listen to our complaints, take time to reflect upon them, and then—holy crap—maybe... evolve ?!?! This is one of those (tragically rare) instances, and all I have to say is, if every guy so freely admitted his mistakes, no one would get any work done. They'd all be busy having incredibly hot makeup sex," wrote Star editor-at-large Julia Allison about her on and off boyfriend, College Humor millionaire Jakob Lodwick. Guess he got tested for STDs after all! But what was the gallant gesture that finally got Jakob into Julia's good graces and panties? How, exactly, did he evolve?

'Good' Magazine Party Filled With A Lot of Okay

Joshua Stein · 10/01/07 03:30PM

On Saturday, Good magazine celebrated its first anniversary by renting out the entire National Museum of the American Indian. They put out a call to the masses and thousands of people came, mostly from Long Island. But! This was only a third of their celebration. Good, which has $200 million dollars behind it thanks to owner Ben Goldhirsh's father's foundation, also rented out the Hirshorn Museum in DC and the Los Angeles Museum of Natural History. NIkola Tamindzic captured the locals.

Owen Thomas · 10/01/07 01:49PM

New York faux-celebrity Julia Allison and online-video entrepreneur Jakob Lodwick, founder of Vimeo, are back together, following Lodwick's public posting of a pseudo-apology on his blog. Of course, Allison had to nudge him by text message to write it. We hear the makeup sex was anything but virtual, though. [Obeastiality]