
Jakob Lodwick Is So Into Jakob Lodwick

Emily Gould · 09/28/07 02:40PM

Who was College Humor boy Jakob Lodwick thinking of in this morning's "morning photo" on his blog Obeastiality? (He takes one every morning and every evening, often topless, often in mixed company.) He's posted a quote from one "A.A.," who says "It occurred to me that possibly hundreds of people across the dashboard were thinking (for just a split second) that you were referring to them—I include myself in that number." Gagging yet? Well, take the bucket away from your face: now ain't the time for your gags. We suspect that the real object of Jakob's morning thoughts is his former girlfriend, Star Editor at Large Julia Allison. Wait, former? Oh, hadn't you heard? They're back on!

Internet Fame Explained By Expert

abalk · 09/27/07 10:05AM

If there were no evolutionary benefit to fame, no one would chase it—or certainly not as doggedly as they do now. To be well-known gives many people (perhaps most people?) pleasure, and generally things that give us pleasure have their roots in something that at one point helped us. There could be no other reason for the proliferation and (exponentially accelerating) mass obsession with fame.

Dear Kristian, Dear Moby, Dear Braden Keil

Joshua Stein · 09/21/07 09:13AM

Each year (or really, every 11 months and two weeks or so, kinda), the Jews observe Yom Kippur, the day of atonement, during which leather shoes and doing it are totally forbidden. Then there are many apologies. Let it begin with us! Josh is up first because he's the Jewiest.

Dress Julia Allison

abalk · 09/20/07 03:37PM

Julia Allison needs your help! The newly single Star Editor-at-Large surely must need help topping last year's Halloween costume—though we're all afraid your suggestions will just be different permutations of 'a vulva.' Oh, Jules, of course they won't! America is your fan. Let's all pitch in and help Ms. Allison find the perfect Halloween costume. It's going to be hard to do better than her previous outfit (a costume made entirely out of Magnum XL condoms), but we're sure one of these choices, if executed correctly, could do the trick.

Julia Allison breaks up with her nerd boyfriend

Owen Thomas · 09/19/07 12:04PM

How typical: Julia Allison, the New York dating columnist and TV personality, has broken up with her boyfriend, Vimeo founder Jakob Lodwick. By blog post. And email. Yes, she has, at last, become one with the byways of Silicon Valley. Gawker has the blow-by-blow. So why should anyone on this coast care? Only to note the spread of our unfortunate social mores eastward. The Allison-Lodwick relationship, according to her email, was sexless. The couple, instead, bonded by talking about blogging and business plans. Lodwick never even had a chance to unseat software blogger Joel Spolsky Michael Pryor, the business partner of software blogger Joel Spolsky — yes, he's the one she wrote about — as the ultimate object of Allison's carnal attentions. (Photoillustration by Gawker)

Jakulia Allodwick Split Sends Internets Reeling

Emily Gould · 09/19/07 09:50AM

My friend Alice likes to say that we're living in the Too Much Information Age, and you don't have to look further than any breakup between any two people who both have blogs to understand what she means by that. And if those two people are both Internet-created pseudocelebrities, you have the voyeuristically fascinating, oddly revelatory theme park of narcissism that is the Julia Allison—Jakob Lodwick breakup.

abalk · 09/17/07 12:50PM

Having smoothed the feathers ruffled in their tense disagreement about the Obama Girl video, Huffpo blogger Rachel Sklar and Star mag talking head Julia Allison turn their Solomonic incisiveness to a meatier project: liveblogging the Emmys. The thing is kind of epic, so if you're pressed for time, here's your takeaway: Julia Allison has never heard of "Roots." Kids today. [HuffPo]

abalk · 09/05/07 08:20AM

Attention stalkers: Here's where you'll find Star Editor-at-Large Julia Allison during today's Fashion Week events. Be sure to say hi, she's super friendly! [JA]

'Voice' Editor Tony Ortega Writes A Harsh Rejection Letter

Doree Shafrir · 08/30/07 01:31PM

Recently Village Voice editor Tony Ortega was pitched a relationship/dating/sex column by someone who'd pitched him when he was an editor at one of New Times' papers in Florida and had received an encouraging response. And this writer probably thought that since one sex column at the Voice is about cybersex (what is this, 1999?) and the other is the syndicated column Savage Love , it might be good to get a local lady up in that piece—especially since the Lusty Lady column had been so unceremoniously canned by Ortega's predecessor David Blum. But Ortega wasn't interested. And he sent her back a truly snippy rejection note—and in it, we discover the conditions under which he might shoot himself!

Julia Allison Knows: Exactly What She's Doing, The Word 'Dichotomy'

Emily Gould · 08/29/07 01:50PM

We once posited this analysis of professional talking head, dating columnist, and internet metacelebrity Julia Allison: "The extent of her self-awareness of her persona is a constant source of speculation for me. I think she must know to some extent that the character she has constructed—a hyperstylized vixen—borders on absurd but you gotta admit, she's milking the character for all it is worth." Now we wonder no more! Julia writes: "I've always felt completely self-aware—like, if you don't get that 94% of the things I do are to amuse myself, or because I fear, more than anything else, being boring—how is that my problem?" Snap! Oh, and it gets better. She's written a whole post about her image construction! Sociology grad students, listen up.

abalk · 08/24/07 08:56AM

Legal expert Julia Allison will be on MSNBC today discussing our nation's justice system and how it treats celebrities like Lindsay Lohan and Nicole Richie. Expect Linda Greenhouse levels of incisiveness! [Julia Allison]

What Really Happened in Amagansett This Weekend

Joshua Stein · 08/20/07 04:00PM

What follows is like aversion therapy for those who might want to go to the Hamptons. On Saturday night in Amagansett, as Jessica Coen reported today at New York mag, the sundry foodie blogging glitterati gathered for a burger cook-off. Coen was there to support her man Lockhart Steele, our (and her!) former boss at this very website. She looks really happy. That "typical summer share house" was Eater honcho Ben Leventhal's, and it is called "Southfork." Julia Allison was there too! She was cozying up with College Humor's Jakob Lodwick. Later they would have a huge knock-down drag-out fight but then go on to make up. Former Glamour blogger and Gawker enemy Alyssa Shelasky was munching on Doritos poolside, as was weirdly attractive photographer Jessica Craig-Martin. Hampton's Style editor Deb Schoeneman was there, as was College Humor millionaire and (coincidence!) Hampton's Style Contributing Editor Ricky Van Veen. His pictures can be found here; the one above is the only one of Julia Allison topless, just to save you time searching.

Julia Allison's nerd conquests

Owen Thomas · 08/20/07 11:15AM

Those stunned by notorious East Coast nobody Julia Allison's infamous arrival on the Silicon Valley scene might be surprised to learn that she actually has a job. Apparently she writes columns for Time Out New York. About her sex life. And here's a shocker: Allison claims nerds make the best lovers. I know the identity of the geek who gave Allison what she writes is "the best sex I've ever had." But instead of just telling you, I'm going to let you guess, in the comments, who it is. Two hints: It's certainly not high-and-dry TechCrunch editor Michael Arrington. And it's not, despite appearances, Jakob Lodwick, founder of IAC-controlled video site Vimeo. Unless his efforts over the weekend were particularly heroic. So who is the geek stud Allison had in mind? Leave your tawdry rumors in the comments. (Photo by Jakob Lodwick)

Alexandra, Spiritual/Psychic Counselor of Staten Island

Emily Gould · 08/17/07 01:00PM

This city is full of psychics, both high-end and low-end. But can any of them actually foretell what's tk? We'll only know when we all go back and reread this occasional feature in twenty years. Do you have a psychic you'd recommend we see? Let us know.

Jon Friedman Loves Julia Allison

abalk · 08/15/07 12:10PM

Much like the many men who want to do Julia Allison but don't want to be known as having done the charming Star Editor-at-Large, plenty of reporters want to write a story about Julia Allison, but don't want to be known for having penned a profile of the bubbly media figure. Marketwatch's Jon Friedman finds the perfect solution to the dilemma: Pretend it's a happy piece about a stupid weblog, and then, with that window-dressing in place, Allison it up! It's a charming, self-inoculating strategy, and who are we to begrudge the guy? Julia Allison, like it or not, is traffic! Think about that when you write your angry comments about why we're giving her so much coverage, okay?

'Restaurant Girl' Claws Her Way From Blogger To Food Critic

Joshua Stein · 08/14/07 10:15AM

Danyelle Freeman, food blogger Restaurant Girl, has been tapped to become the New York Daily News' next food critic. As many an Eater commenter has remarked, the only problem is that Freeman—an alumna of both Harvard and Duke, as she notes on her website—can't write. She cadges free meals from PR people—and she's oft-photographed and therefore never incognito. She also closes her correspondence with, "Until we eat again." She can be thought of as the Julia Allison of the food world: Cheaply attractive, ethically limber and relentlessly successful.

abalk · 08/13/07 10:20AM

From today's Page Six: "ONE woman's not enough for 37-year-old bachelor Harold Ford Jr.. The former Democratic candidate for U.S. Senate in Tennessee was holed up at Blue Ribbon Sushi on Sullivan Street with three blondes on Wednesday night. "They all stayed until 2 a.m. singing and dancing, and he was pretty tipsy," one onlooker snickered. For Ford's sake, let's hope none of his dinner guests goes on to hit Internet stardom via kissing and telling." God, who could they be talking about? It's all so mysterious. [NYP]

Julia Allison Shatters Our Last Illusion

Emily Gould · 08/10/07 01:40PM

As discussed, the thing we all like least about our jobs here is the frequency and persistence with which Star Editor-at-Large Julia Allison instant messages us. Today, she dropped a bomb on us.