
Julia Allison New Wired Cover Girl

Sheila · 07/14/08 02:44PM

All that sucking up to Chris Anderson and "branding" herself as a sort-of techie has finally paid off! New York dating columnist Julia Allison—famous for being famous for no reason on the Internet—will grace the August cover of Wired. (She must have timed her baffling new website Non Society in order to coincide with the cover.)

The 7 Internet women Playboy should have asked to get naked

Melissa Gira Grant · 07/14/08 02:00PM

Forget the glass ceiling for a second. This week anyway, the worst enemy of "women in tech" (like we're all one big happy girl army) is the Hot List. Playboy's "Hottest Blogger" contest is still rolling, still prompting faux-thinky "conversations" about objectification and what sets women back. (An aging softcore publication is the least of our worries.) By now a couple of Playboy's nominees have confided that they're eager to lose the vote and get it over with. What, there weren't any serious "Women of the Internet" who would pose anyway? Dear Playboy: Skip the voting on the collection of contenders we've assembled. Photo-shoot them all.

Five Annoying Online Publicity Stunts

Hamilton Nolan · 07/14/08 01:55PM

Michael Ian Black, comedian and VH1's go-to analyst of pop culture, has started an online feud with testosterone and beer-fueled guy blogger Tucker Max. Black challenged Tucker to a fight, Tucker accepted, and now they are both talking trash in a way advantageous to the promotion of Black's new book. This would all be cuter if Black didn't just try to start another online feud with David Sedaris, to promote the same book. These online publicity stunts are incredibly difficult to pull off without being annoying; below, a jaded look back at five that sucked the big one:

Julia Allison: HTML tutor to the nonstars

Melissa Gira Grant · 07/14/08 12:20PM

It's been just a little over a year since Julia Allison touched down in Silicon Valley, strutting past the hand-stampers at an arts fundraiser and informing anyone who would listen that she was looking for a boyfriend to help her with her website. It hasn't exactly paid off. The so-soft-it-hurts launch of her new startup, Nonsociety.com, is a technical tour de farce. The rumored-to-death project wraps glamour shots of Allison and friends like comrade Meghan Asha Parikh, TechCrunch editor Michael Arrington's ex-girlfriend, around sideways-scrolling feeds ("lifestreams"!) of their Tumblr blogs. Meghan, a former hedge-fund analyst, shows off her tech creds here. She's the only one who seems to have a functioning "lifestream," even on launch day. Allison's and a handbag-designing ladyfriend's came up 404. We salvaged the launch video, in case the whole thing collapses:

Nonsociety's Video Remix: Valtrex Edition

Sheila · 07/14/08 11:15AM

Gawker videographer Richard Blakeley noticed that if you re-mix the embarassingly bad Nonsociety video (dating columnist/publicity whore Julia Allison & Friends' new "online business" with actual investors) it syncs up perfectly with... a Valtrex commercial. Watch it! In related "defending your online reputation" news...

Julia Allison's Crazy Web Show

Ryan Tate · 07/14/08 01:03AM

So Julia Allison and fellow internet fameballs Meghan Asha and Mary Rambin have launched their big new project thing, Non Society, which they describe as "YOUR WINDOW INTO OUR CRAZY LIVES." On the site, they are each "lifecasting," which consists of taking the Tumblr blogs they already had and turning them sideways, so they scroll horizontally. CRAZY. Also, they made a four-minute video in which Allison rides on the lap of a zamboni driver, Asha poses topless with an iPhone and Rambin buys merchandise without insurance. CRAZY. The video is filled with the sort of footage the trio was already shooting, but heavily-edited, MTV style, and with an Aerosmith song in the background ("Pink"). This is the "online show" Allison talked about after she was fired from Star magazine, the one for which she lined up outside investment? That actually is truly crazy. Intro video after the jump.

Fox News Finds Julia Allison 'Sad'

Ryan Tate · 07/10/08 06:34AM

Earlier this week, Fox News began sprinkling helpful exclusives on its erstwhile enemies at the Times in an ostensible bid to atone for past smears. But the favors may also be part of a divide-and-conquer strategy to prevent the formation of an anti-Fox "posse," to use columnist David Carr's memorable phrasing. And so, perhaps, it is with Julia Allison, the shamelessly self-advancing internet fameball who so many in the New York media bubble love to hate. Why has Fox stooped — famewise, mind you — to picking a fight with Allison, telling the Daily News today that her comments against the network's vicious flack Irena Briganti are "yet another sad, relentless attempt at relevancy?" Maybe because the "rep" quoted by the News is actually Briganti herself, unable to resist swiping at someone with far less power than the Times. Or maybe the network is deploying its divide-and-conquer strategy to a much larger group of detractors than reporters at one newspaper — people who hate Julia Allison.

Snark Break

Sheila · 07/03/08 01:57PM

Julia Allison's bestfriend, "handbag designer" Mary Rambin, has lost her dog in the Hamptons. He's escaped! No snark here! Have you seen how cute he is? Update: He's been found! (Wandering near the highway, yikes!) [Guest of a Guest]

How To Not Storm Off the Internet in a Huff

Pareene · 06/27/08 04:31PM

Yesterday, a grown man threw a tantrum and stormed off the internet. Because we bullied him. It wasn't pretty. Are we proud? Well, it's a living. We spent today mulling over some wise advice we received. And, of course, it's true. We should be constructive! In the spirit of friendship, we'll explain how to survive the Internet without letting the bastards get you down. Heed our words, and you'll never have to shut down another blog. Or quit a message board, or ban yourself from a comments section. Never again will you hear the sirens of the waaaahmbulance.

What would Mark Zuckerberg and Priscilla Chan's love child look like?

Jackson West · 06/24/08 05:40PM

One in a while a Web application comes along that's so damn useful, even we'd invest in it. Facebook? Nah. MakeMeBabies, the site that lets you create ruddy-cheeked mashups from any two photos? Its diapers will be filled with nothing but spun gold. Here's what the site came up with from photos of Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg and girlfriend Priscilla Chan. After the jump, we give a few other notable couples the same treatment. Please do add your own in the comments with our image-upload feature — best and worst fake babies will win an as-yet-undetermined prize of nominal value!

Julia Allison To Brooklyn?

Ryan Tate · 06/24/08 12:23AM

She lost her $125k/year Star gig, now the protocelebrity is eyeing a low-rent borough: "I think I want to live in Brooklyn. I never thought I'd say that." [Julia Allison]

Julia Allison and Dave Winer share love of un-conferences

Jackson West · 06/23/08 06:40PM

A reader writes to us concerned that the apocalypse is nigh. Why so scared? Because wantrepreneur Julia Allison (who was not fired from Star magazine) and cranky RSS guru Dave Winer are now link lovers. What sparked this show of mutual affection? Winer's treatise on how he created the first, true "un-conference" back in 2003, where instead of panels, it was a discussion — because "the eloquence and intelligence in the room are distributed not concentrated." This apparently reminded Allison of class discussions at her alma mater, Georgetown, "except this time you care." (Photos by Brian Solis, bub.licio.us and Doc Searls)

Where Did All The News Go?

Michael Weiss · 06/20/08 02:16PM

As we told you Monday, one sad editrix of celebrity gossip sheet thinks her profession is living on borrowed time. It's one big void out there, the canvas is blank, there is no news. And it's not just low culture. The zeitgeist at large seems to be suffering from tired blood (maybe too much vital energy spent looking at mobile porn?). Nicholson Baker's Human Smoke was the most noteworthy book to be published so far this year, and it argued that World War II wasn't worth fighting. World War II. That's not even counterintuitive in a fun Slate-y kind of way. As for the election, we're in a massive lull until at least Labor Day, barring Israel's surgical strike on Natanz, which happened yesterday while you were updating your Tumblr page. The arts? The worst film of the year, M. Night Shyamalan's The Happening, is (tellingly) about about an epidemic that causes inanition followed by suicide. The Jewish Museum's exhibiting action painting at a time of supreme lassitude. Elsewhere the herd of independent minds has taken a collective nap: the red siren that blares in Matt Drudge's head has been as silent as the one in James Wolcott's. So what's going on?

Julia Allison an "Embarrassment" to Star, Unsurprisingly

Sheila · 06/19/08 10:12AM

Radar found an "inside source" to tell them the obvious on why Julia Allison's contract wasn't renewed as Star magazine's $100,000-a-year TV personality: "She was, frankly, an embarrassment to Star... She never really got it. It was all about Julia and self-promotion and herself. A lot of people were uncomfortable with her. She was just the wrong image for Star." The wrong image for a second-tier celebrity tabloid? Ouch. [Radar]

Julia Allison's post-Star Plans: They're Pink!

Sheila · 06/18/08 03:07PM

Surely you've been wondering how Carrie Bradshaw-wannabe Julia Allison was gonna spin losing her $100,000 job as Star magazine's talking head. Our managing ed Nick Denton caught her on the IM for an interview. Future plans? A new website, NonSociety. (The catchphrase: "Live different;" and it's designed in pink—her favorite color!) She's starting a web show/business with her two bestfriends, "handbag designer" Mary Rambin and techball Megan Asha. (They have investment money!) Oh, and there's still that reality show. Click for the somewhat combative interview, including this classic exchange: "Not that you would understand what a real conversation is like, anyway." "This isn't a conversation, it's an interview."

Three Simple Ways to Ruin Your Life

Pareene · 06/18/08 10:17AM

Rex Sorgatz arrived in New York six scant months ago, but he's already got it all figured out. After an advanced anthropological study of Internet Microfame, he's published his initial findings in New York Magazine. In explaining the concept, he also instructs the reader on how to become microfamous in three easy steps! "To persevere in the new age of celebrity, you need to return to the well, repeating these steps of creating, oversharing, and responding." Soon you too can dog-sit for Julia Allison. We are all Tay Zonday, Emily Brill, and the Tron Guy now. [NYM]