"Look, do you have any idea how many calls I had to make to get FAO Schwarz for your birthday party? OK, it was one, and someone at the Centre made it, but that's not the point. You are going. To eat. This cake. I know that you're watching your figure, but you're supposed to be pregnant, remember? There's plenty of room underneath that stomach pad for a couple of more pounds. If anything, it'll be more convincing if you actually put on some weight. No? You're not going to eat this cake? Oh, missy, I think you are. Check your contract. Yes, I realize I say that a lot, but I wouldn't have to if you weren't so resistant to improvising every once in a while.. Now when I grab a fistful of your hair, and I'm not going to lie, it's gonna hurt a bit because I'm a little amped up right now— you open your mouth like a good girl and get ready for a faceful of the finest Fudgey the Whale money can buy. Oh, don't worry about the candles. They'll go out before your skinny face hits the cake."