
Here Are Kim, Kanye, and a Really Long Hashtag on the Cover of Vogue

Jay Hathaway · 03/21/14 01:45PM

Kim Kardashian and Kanye West appear on the cover of April's Vogue, along with the word "selfie" and the #WorldsMostImpracticalHashtag. Looks like the "world's most talked-about couple"—sorry, Jay and Bey—got Annie Leibovitz to take the world's most #trill wedding photo.

Kanye Walks Into Pole, Immediately Becomes Livid That Poles Exist

Caity Weaver · 05/10/13 06:00PM

Kanye West walked into a pole in Beverly Hills this afternoon and TMZ captured the moment on video, sort of (their cameraman had already rounded a corner by the time forehead-on-pole contact occurred, though he did rush over to film Kanye and girlfriend Kim Kardashian nursing the wound). This moment represents a low point for all of us: the cameraman for failing to capture the moment of collision, then running back excitedly after it had passed; Kim Kardashian for waking up this morning and dressing herself like a pregnant Morticia Addams; all of us, who came here because we thought it might be funny to see Kanye West run into a pole (final verdict: not as funny as I thought it would be, though it's hard to say how funny it might have been in the hands of a skilled videographer); Kanye West for running into a pole.

Kanye West and Kim Kardashian Bypassed Security at JFK, Delaying Their Flight and Causing a TSA Investigation

Taylor Berman · 02/13/13 11:34PM

On their way back from Brazil, where they were busy posing like Jesus and partying beneath Will Smith, Kim Kardashian and Kanye West got into some trouble at JFK Airport. After their flight from Rio landed, KimYe passed through customs and then an American Airlines' employee allowed them to bypass a security checkpoint on the way to their connecting flight to LA. When the TSA realized the security breach, they forced the couple to deplane to a private area of the jetway, where they were privately screened. You know, just the way the TSA would respond if a normal couple skipped through security.