
Kristen Stewart Partakes Of Ancient, Vampire-Summoning Herb

Seth Abramovitch · 11/26/08 12:05PM

We're now beginning to get a more complete picture of why Twilight star Kristen Stewart seemed a little glassy-eyed and distracted on a recent Late Show with David Letterman appearance, responding to the increasingly annoyed host's questions about the film with non sequiturs like, "You know what would be so choice right now? S'mores!"Surely there's no harm in combating the pressures of carrying a newly hatched franchise on your shoulders by indulging every now and again in a little medicinal vampirenip (available at a nearby WeHo dispensary in a tightly-packed baggie labeled "Transylvanian Power Skunk"). Our only concern is where all this might eventually lead, as studies have proven time and again that vampires are a notorious gateway-monster. We'd hate to see the talented young actress bent over a glass coffee table a few months from now, chattering on about the wonders of Bumble and Bumble hair conditioner at a 4 a.m. werewolf-blow party.

Goody-Goody Twilight Star Caught Smoking Drugs!

Richard Lawson · 11/26/08 10:39AM

Ruh roh! Kristen Stewart, the brooding young starlet currently playing Bella in the chaste, religiousy teen vampire romance movie Twilight, was photographed brazenly smoking the devil's herb on the front steps of her Los Angeles home earlier this week. In the middle of the day! Tsk tsk. I guess we now know why she was so out of it on Letterman the other day. But, I suppose it's just a little pot and it'll be OK and she'll go back to work on the sequels and earn her ridiculous $12 million. As long as there's no boy-related funny business... down there.

'Twilight' Stars to Suck $24 Million Payday For Sequel

STV · 11/25/08 11:40AM

Twilight's record-breaking opening gross was downgraded to a measly $69.6 million on Monday, which nevertheless failed to deter Summit Entertainment from officially nudging the sequel, New Moon, into the pre-production queue. That was the easy part, though; paying its young stars Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart a reported $12 million apiece for the second film (and possibly a third) — and locking in director Catherine Hardwicke for millions more — is where the mess might arise.Twilight's budget was only $37 million (plus at least that much in marketing), which should have Summit well in the black by the middle of next month. Stewart and Pattinson came cheap, earning about $2 million each for their roles as vampire Edward Cullen and his dewy teen love interest Bella Swan. Alas, those days are over: Looking ahead, one rumor has the studio adapting New Moon and Eclipse — the second and third novels in Stephenie Meyer's wholesome, bestselling bloodsucker franchise — simultaneously, probably at a combined budget pushing $160 million. Anything to improve the FX, we suppose (there are werewolves in the next one), and anything to make reading New Moon worth it for poor Stewart. Their pricey return all but assured, Summit will move on to Hardwicke, who wasted little time and leverage last weekend pulling Favreau-ish media stunts about her doing Twilight's follow-ups right:

Who Will Replace Our Retiring Movie Stars?

Richard Lawson · 11/24/08 04:31PM

Every movie star everywhere is quitting! In today's case of old Clint Eastwood it makes sense, because he's, y'know, old and his directing career has been a lot more illustrious than his acting career has for the past decade or so. But the once-promising, now-squandered Joaquin Phoenix? Baby mill Angelina Jolie? Nicole Kidman?? If they leave, then what are we to do? Find new movie stars, I guess. Trouble is, there aren't really any good, young understudies waiting in the wings. But there might be some! We'll take a look at who could replace these four retiring (or maybe semi-retiring) actors after the jump.

David Letterman Sinks Fangs Into Charisma-Challenged 'Twilight' Star

Seth Abramovitch · 11/21/08 12:00PM

It's tough to really follow an act like Emma Thompson being bitten in the neck by a terrifying foxpire, only to later foam at the mouth and sprout orange fur as she joins their immortal, chicken-preying ranks. But come on—18-year-old Twilight star Kristen Stewart didn't even try on Late Show last night. What we're trading in here is not your garden variety stuck-up Hollywood ennui, however, but a sort of starlet savante social ineptitude that can swiftly put both audience and host on edge. (See: Farmiga, Vera.) We blame both parties for this mini-trainwreck, however, as Stewart is hardly a neophyte to the Hollywood scene—that was her cowering next to Jodie Foster in Panic Room—and Letterman should know better than to use his verbal flaying-knives on a chick who has the air of that cutter in the corner of your homeroom. Nothing really good could come of that—though there's no denying the brilliant scarlet splatter of "Let's hope it's Berlin." [Late Show]


cityfile · 11/21/08 11:25AM

Naomi Watts carrying coffee in the East Village ... Kelly Ripa walking with her kids Lola and Joaquin on the Upper West Side ... Natalie Portman on the set of her film in Central Park ... Katie Holmes kissing Suri outside their apartment ... Uma Thurman participating in Juror Appreciation Day at the New York Supreme Court ... Tyra Banks walking outside ... Stephen Colbert and Twilight actress Kristen Stewart standing outside the Letterman show ... Sarah Jessica Parker walking son James to school in the West Village ... Leighton Meester filming scenes for Gossip Girl outside the Palace Hotel ... Keri Russell walking by herself ... and Salma Hayek sitting on a suitcase on the set of 30 Rock.

Twilight Star's Letterman Disaster: Funniest Moments

Ryan Tate · 11/21/08 05:55AM

Starlets, you never learn, probably because you're not paying attention, probably because you're always as strung out as Twilight star Kristen Stewart looked last night on the Late Show: You must come on David Letterman's program caffeinated and at least attempt to say several interesting things. Mary-Kate Olsen's "so tired" complaint bombed; Lauren Conrad got entertainingly insulted for being otherwise boring. This is the price from promoting (usually vapid) movies from the Late Show couch. Stewart's appearance is one for the protocelebrity textbooks; an epic trainwreck progressing (in the clip after the jump) from severe awkwardness into mild nastiness and, at the very end, a devastating cut spun from precious, precious terrible awful comedy gold.

Kristen Stewart Will Read Next 'Twilight' Book as Soon as the Check Clears

STV · 11/20/08 12:50PM

It's increasingly difficult for us to find supporting evidence for the "Stars: Just like us!" meme that sustains us in our windowless dungeon HQ, but Twilight star Kristen Stewart may yet hold us over for the rest of the year. The young actress confides in a new interview that even she can't figure out the intense appeal of the teen-vampire romance saga — but she can apparently spot the appeal of never doing Bella Swan again as long as she lives:

Echoes of Sobs, Shrieks, Ticket Demands Hang in Air on Morning After 'Twilight' Premiere

STV · 11/18/08 01:00PM

A cultural state of emergency was declared last night in Westwood, where those bulging queues outside the Mann Village became a full-blown tween riot commemorating Twilight's world premiere. Braver souls than we ventured into the shrieking maw of the beast, passing along word of a vampire-romance circus, black market and — God help us — an unofficial sequel announcement from the carpet. The whole bloody recap, after the jump:· The hundreds of Twilight freaks awaiting Monday's premiere became 2,500 by early evening, when studio reps at Summit Entertainment began shuffling ticketholders into the Village and the Bruin Theater down the street. The cops on the scene cited controlled but respectful chaos between hails of rubber bullets and urgent calls for bourbon reinforcements. · Meanwhile, last-minute ticket procural became a full-contact sport around town, reported THR:

STV · 11/17/08 05:24PM

Twilight's Last Gleaming: If you're not reading this from the line outside the Mann Village, here's what you're missing: Nikki Finke reports that Twilight fans are piling up in Westwood by the hundreds, camping out in anticipation of tonight's premiere event. The accompanying photo was published last night; any readers nearby who have a clean shot at the tent city sure to have emerged in the interim are encouraged to send a photo. There's only a week of hype remaining — every precious second counts. [DHD]

Leaked 'Twilight' Footage Nearly Drowned Out By Italian Shrieks of 'OMG!'

Kyle Buchanan · 10/31/08 05:04PM

Now that teenage girls have finally gotten over their fear of Twilight star Robert Pattinson's chest hair, they can go back to their regularly scheduled, quavery anticipation for the vampire-in-love drama, which comes out in just a few weeks. How intense is the want-to-see factor for the film? For a primer, just check out this excerpt of footage that just leaked from the Rome Film Festival, where the dialogue is no match for the Beatles-worthy shrieking from the audience that greets every single moment. Summit Entertainment's logo? "AHHHHH!" The first glimpse of Pattinson? "AHHHHH!" The arrival of a female supporting player who's maybe tenth-billed, at best? Screams, fainting, and revivals that can only be successfully administered by the Pope himself. We'd pegged this movie as The Dark Knight for girls, but even Bat-mania was never this loud. Clip above (be sure to turn down your volume). [Twilight]

'Twilight' Star Wonders If Her Co-Star Has Showered Since Wrapping Production

Douglas Reinhardt · 10/30/08 12:45PM

Click to At the Rome Film Festival screening of teen bloodsucking epic Twilight, Kristen Stewart wondered if her co-star Robert Pattinson had bathed since wrapping production on the film in April of this year. Stewart politely asked if Pattinson had been keeping up with his hygiene and personal grooming. Pattinson explained that he has been taking a lot of sponge baths, but he wanted to stay in character for the sequel. Pattinson said, “I mean I’m playing a 107 year old teen. I’m going to be stinky.” [Photo Credit: Getty Images] *A Call To The Bullpen is a work of fiction. Although the pictures we use are most certainly real, Defamer does not purport that any of the incidents or quotations you see in this piece actually happened. Lighten up, people ... it's a joke.

'Twilight' Star Robert Pattinson Wonders Why You're So Afraid of His Chest Hair

Kyle Buchanan · 09/08/08 01:45PM

It was the Entertainment Weekly cover that forever scarred Livejournal: a vivid tableau of Twilight actors Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart, the former barechested enough to expose millions of teenage girls to their first confusing glimpse of chest hair. Though excitement for the cinematic adaptation of Stephenie Meyer's vampire novel had been building to a crescendo, one actor's decision not to wax could have destroyed everything; fortunately, the audience's distaste for even more hirsute werewolves kept fans firmly on Pattinson's side. Still, when we spied the actor on the red carpet for the VMAs yesterday, we knew we had to settle Chesthairgate (part two!) once and for all. Also, two bonus bits: Pattinson's thoughts on the latest, controversial Twilight installment and messy vampire babies! What more do you need to sink your teeth into? [MTV]

Livejournals Buckle Under the Weight of New 'Twilight' Developments, Reshoots

Kyle Buchanan · 08/26/08 02:00PM

Though teenage fans of Twilight (the upcoming vampire drama that Summit Entertainment hopes will be its own Harry Potter franchise) were initially put off by lead star Robert Pattinson's chest hair, they've since come around in a major way. Not only has the latest book in the Stephenie Meyer series debuted to huge numbers, but the movie's cast was greeted at Comic-Con with the kind of devoted squeals not heard since the Beatles debuted a song recorded with both 'N Sync and New Kids on the Block. In fact, the fans have become so ardent about Twilight that they swarm each and every online news story to debate the only thing that really matters: who should the lead heroine bang, a vampire or a werewolf?

'Twilight' Star's Hairy Chest Frightens The Tweens As Alan Ball Preps Hotter, Cooler Vampire Series

Molly Friedman · 07/11/08 03:30PM

Like it or not, it's time to let go of any qualms you may have about welcoming a successor to Harry Potter's tween-bewitching throne and embrace what will surely become the zeitgeisty-est franchise of the decade. Twilight is here, it's a little bit queer, and don't even try ignoring it. The dewy, sexy, hickey-adorned film version of the hugely successful books centered around hot teenage vampires has begun garnering its first feature stories in the glossies, and the millions of "fan girls" obsessed with the tales are mad as hell and not gonna take it anymore. The new issue of EW features the film's two newbie stars on its cover, and the odd photo is setting message boards and fan sites ablaze with criticism from the series' longtime devotees. And angry fans aren't the only obstacle Twilight faces — too-cool-for-school Alan Ball has a vampire show premiering on HBO later this year and, unlike "powdered donut" Edward and "plain" Bella, his blood-suckers sit at the cool kids' table...

‘Twilight’ May Look Sexy On-Screen, But The Only Action On-Set Involved 'Runny Noses' And 'Hail Globs'

Molly Friedman · 05/12/08 08:10PM

As we noted last week, the highly anticipated Twilight franchise appears to be far steamier and sexier than the books’ tween fans may have expected. And a profile on the film in yesterday’s LAT suggests the series’ author Stephenie Meyer may be just as surprised. Described by the article's author as "chaste," the Mormon mother of three sounds like the near opposite of director and "troubled-teen expert" Catherine Hardwicke. But as the article reveals, no matter how hot and bothered we felt after watching the teaser trailer, the actual action on set wasn't putting any of its gorgeous cast members in the mood:

Will 'Twilight' Be The New 'Harry Potter'? And Why Do We Care?

Molly Friedman · 02/15/08 07:37PM

With over 100 fansites, an author who's hot in an Anne Hatha-way and millions of books already sold, it's no doubt the upcoming Twilight movie franchise will be huge. But how huge? And why? And, more importantly, is Kristen Stewart hotter than Emma Watson? We'll leave that final point up to you (though we've already decided Twilight leading boy Robert Pattinson pales in comparison to Daniel Radcliffe and his treasure trail), but we've done some reading up on this vampire love story and we think that JK Rowling best watch her back. This kiddie tale has bite.