
500 Days of Kristin, Day 92: 1, 2, or 3? Or NONE?!! 

Allie Jones · 04/27/15 01:40PM

One potato, two potato, three potato, none potato: This is the conundrum in which Kristin Cavallari recently found herself embroiled. “Ladies,” cried Kristin to her sisters—the mothers, the she-wolves, the ducks, and the sows—“I need your help!”

Hamilton Nolan · 10/30/14 04:37PM

Some quotes from a story about women's watches: "Women are now interested in how a timepiece works." "We're more comfortable now with technology. Things that used to seem geeky or intimidating are now common." "Moon-phase watches seem to have a particularly strong appeal for women, and not just those who frequent beauty salons." Women!

Mike Huckabee Thinks "Uncle Sugar" Obama Is Making Chicks Too Horny

Adam Weinstein · 01/23/14 04:50PM

Mike Huckabee—former governor, current TV gadfly, lifelong Jim Nabors doppelganger—wants you to know Republicans have no war on women. If anything, it's liberals who hate the foxes, with their free love and free birth control and something called "Uncle Sugar."

Women Be Dying Younger

Hamilton Nolan · 03/05/13 11:55AM

Women. They're dying younger. What is up with that, ladies?

How Much Irrational Anger Will Result From This Study Linking Women, Housework, and Physical Fitness?

Hamilton Nolan · 02/28/13 11:29AM

First, let us present the plain facts: there is a new study out, based on statistics gleaned from "time use diaries" filled out by women chronicling their own activity. Researchers found that American women today are spending only about half as much time doing housework—vacuuming, laundry, etc.—as they were 45 years ago. During the same period of time, the amount of time that women spent sitting down and watching a screen doubled. The conclusion, based in simple biological fact, as stated in the NYT in a story headlined "What Housework Has to Do With Waistlines:"

Dispelling Common Vagina Myths

Hamilton Nolan · 01/07/13 03:40PM

Tampon manufacturer Kimberly-Clark has a new series of ads out in which veterans of periods (gals) explain all the wacky vagina myths they once believed. (These myths, they say, are untrue, though we cannot confirm this independently.) You may be shocked to learn that some of your most cherished opinions about your body are, in fact, as mythical as "Amelia Earhart" or "Sojourner Truth."

Ladies: Exercise Is More Important Than Your Hair

Hamilton Nolan · 12/18/12 04:00PM

Here now, a new study chronicled in the scientific journal The Daily Mail, which lays bare womankind's deepest, darkest, shiniest, most volumizing secret: some women are far more concerned about their hair than about their physique. Ladies. Ladies. You have it backwards.

Jesus Christ May Have Had a Wife; Every Thug Needs a Lady

Caity Weaver · 09/19/12 03:45PM

Looks like you really will be the last person you know to be married: a scrap of ancient papyrus that some scholars are calling a new gospel suggests that confirmed bachelor Jesus Christ may, in fact, have had a wife.

Is Lola Versus a Bad Movie, or Are All Men Sexist?

Leah Beckmann · 06/12/12 11:50AM

Lola Versus, a rom-com-ish movie about a woman who goes looking for herself after she's dumped the same day she tries on her wedding dress, opened this past weekend to bad numbers and worse reviews. Starring Greta Gerwig, directed by Daryl Wein and co-written by Zoe Lister Jones, it brought in a meager $31,815 (in New York and L.A. only, but still) and trailed behind its same-genre competitor, Safety Not Guaranteed.

Me: Asian Guy Looking For Love On the Set of Girls

Leah Beckmann · 05/25/12 10:20AM

Hey girl, have you been on the set of Girls in the last two days? Well, if you have brown hair and are tallish, the only not-white guy is looking for you. So shuffle on off that Greenpoint sound stage—you're no extra in this love story.