
Chris Brown Is the Latest Victim of 'Swatting'

Taylor Berman · 01/21/13 10:31PM

In case you're not up to date on the newish lingo for stupid pranks, "Swatting" is the act of reporting a fake crime or emergency at someone's home, which usually results in a SWAT team showing up and scaring the hell out of everyone at the nonexistent crime's location. Last week, Tom Cruise was swatted, perhaps resulting in an advertisement in The Atlantic; this week, it was gentleman R&B star Chris Brown's turn. According to TMZ:

Tom Cruise Gets 'Swatted'

Jordan Sargent · 01/17/13 10:23PM

Hijinks are afoot in Los Angeles, where a SWAT team was dispatched to Tom Cruise's Beverly Hills mansion after receiving a call that there was a gunman on the premises. There was no gunman at Tom Cruise's house. There was also no Tom Cruise at Tom Cruise's house — and if there's ever a gunman at Tom Cruise's house, it's probably Tom Cruise being a weirdo.

LAPD Gun Buyback Nets 1,962 Guns (Oh, and TWO ROCKET LAUNCHERS)

Jordan Sargent · 12/27/12 10:10PM

Here's a general idea of how many weapons are just floating around this country right now. The LAPD held a gun buyback in Los Angeles on Wednesday (the image above is from a buyback in Bridgeport, Conn. last week) and they received the following: 901 handguns, 698 rifles and 363 shotguns. Oh, they also were handed two rocket launchers. No big deal. And these were just the people willing to turn over their guns in exchange for $100 gift cards (for handguns and long guns) or $200 gift cards (for rifles). In one city. Here's a photo of one of the rocket launchers:

Some Guy Broke Into LL Cool J's House, So LL Cool J Beat the Hell Out of Him

Taylor Berman · 08/22/12 06:29PM

In a story that lacks an easy song-based joke, "Doin It" rapper and professional hat wearer LL Cool J thwarted a home robbery this morning by detaining the potential burglar after a physical confrontation. According to the Los Angeles Times, the hip-hop legend was upstairs in his Studio City home when he heard a noise from his kitchen. Because he's clearly one of the strongest people in the world, J went down to investigate.

Did a Corrupt Cop Kill Notorious B.I.G.?

Seth Abramovitch · 04/07/11 12:45AM

Thanks to the Freedom of Information Act, we now have access to a thick FBI file detailing the agency's investigation into the 1997 shooting death of Christopher "Notorious B.I.G." Wallace. The case, which now falls under the jurisdiction of the LAPD, has famously run cold. But these documents, though heavily redacted, bring some interesting details to light—including ballistics evidence that further links evil former LAPD officer David Mack to the murder.

Is Jon Gosselin Sleeping with a Star Magazine Reporter Named Kate?

The Cajun Boy · 07/20/09 06:35AM

Jon Gosselin just can't get enough ass, the Bush daughters were unholy terrors for the Secret Service, some Russian guy is sending death threats to Britney Spears, Michael Jackson's doctor is in hiding and Cameron Diaz parties with Jude Law.

Emmanuelle Chirqui's Topless Photo Shoot Lures LAPD's 'Areola' Squad

Molly Friedman · 05/15/08 03:50PM

Though celebrities dropping trou for the glossies has proven both controversial in Miley Cyrus' case, and "artsy" in Lindsay Lohan's, both of these spreads were intelligently shot behind closed doors. But when GQ decided to photograph Entourage's Emmanuelle Chirqui fully exposing her curves in the bright light of day, controversy didn't come by way of conservative media pundits. It arrived in the form of the LAPD's official nudity-watch squad, who interrupted the shoot to get a closer look make sure all was okay on set. As Chirqui recalls, one pervy fed stepped in as art director and instructed the crew "Could you make sure that her areolas aren't showing?" See what all the fuss was about for yourself after the jump: