
Google cover shots through the years

ndouglas · 02/14/06 02:02PM

So the new TIME cover features the Larry-Eric-Sergey luge team. Very nice of the Google founders to share the glory with their CEO. The message here is "Eric matters," and it's the latest of many statements Google makes through magazine covers.

Valleywag hotties: The Google guys

ndouglas · 02/13/06 12:54PM

Our first two hotties are the billionaire boys of Google, last seen on the cover of TIME. Love them for their bodies, love them for their brains, but mostly for the billions. Voting's open to everyone, so decide which mogul's rocking the pagerank harder.

Lucy trounces Dave in Valleywag's Google date poll

ndouglas · 02/07/06 08:01AM

Over 1100 Valleywag readers picked your favorite Google arm-candy, probably within two seconds of seeing them for the first time. It was no contest: You said Larry Page's girlfriend Lucy (93.8%) is hotter than Marissa Mayer's boyfriend Dave (6.2%). How could the little ray of sunshine do any less than dominate the beauty battle?

Larry and Sergey's credit denied

ndouglas · 02/04/06 06:12PM

Larry Page and Sergey Brin got their credit card denied at an Ipanema restaurant this week. The Google boys had to pull out another card when their first choice couldn't pay a $50 meal charge. These guys just made over $2 billion from a stock sale, but they couldn't pay off the Visa? Maybe Larry Ellison's accountant could help them out or write them a note now and then.

Mari and Larry's new loves

ndouglas · 02/03/06 12:50PM

This is utterly gratuitous, but the Mari-and-Larry story has yet another update. Both Google execs have traded up, according to insider tips and some Google holiday party pics. Larry's dating a lovely young lady named Lucy, while Marissa hooked up with Google hottie Dave Jeske.

Marissa Mayer's press offensive

Nick Denton · 02/02/06 03:44PM

Of all things to be accused of on our first day live: a couple of readers have already emailed in to complain that we let Marissa Mayer, Larry Page's ex, off too lightly. Referring to the fawning profiles in the business press of the Google VP, we wrote: "Google's corporate communications department has been putting forward Marissa Mayer as an appealing alternative to the company's overexposed founders." Not quite true, some of you say.

Classic Valley candids

ndouglas · 02/02/06 03:31PM

If D.C. is Hollywood for ugly people, then Silicon Valley is D.C. for the even uglier. (A cheap joke, of course, which we'll contradict with our Valley Hotties contests.) Everyone has a bad photo now and then; the fun is when they get promoted up to the "don't share bad photos" ranks of one tech giant or another. Above is the lovely Sergey Brin in drag, looking as scary as the evil girl in "The Ring." After the jump, shots of Hot or Not founder James Hong and Google VP Marissa Mayer.

Gavin who?

ndouglas · 02/02/06 11:23AM

San Francisco mayor Gavin Newsom pays the price of posing with every wealthy citizen in the Bay Area.

How much did Larry and Sergey lose?

ndouglas · 02/01/06 04:12PM

Don't give us the decline in Google's market cap; we want to know how much Larry Page and Sergey Brin lost overnight. Each dropped about $1.2 billion; you can work out the exact current figure by plugging the day's movement in GOOG into our handy Excel spreadsheet. The recovery in GOOG stock in official trading today in the aftermarket, GOOG shares had fallen as low as $350 puts Larry back up at $13.1 billion and Sergey at $12.9 billion. Whew! For a moment there we thought they'd have to cut back on the spending. You know, like carpool on another billionaire's jet.
GOOG Ticker [Yahoo Finance]
Google schadenfreude calculator

Don't mention the ex

ndouglas · 01/30/06 01:42PM

With all the profiles of Marissa Mayer in Business Week, Fast Company, and the Observer, which facts are getting the most attention? Here's a guide to media coverage of Google's mascot.

Nerds on TV: Larry and Sergey talk to ABC News

ndouglas · 01/29/06 02:01PM

ABC News forced Larry Page and Sergey Brin to sit and talk with dippy "World News Tonight" anchor Bob Woodruff. The get-drunk-quick drinking game: every time Larry's face freezes, take a shot.

Larry and Sergey cash out

ndouglas · 01/24/06 03:10PM

Larry Page and Sergey Brin each sold over $1 billion in Google stock last month, with over $10 billion left each. No personal jet could eat up all that cash — they must be doing something bigger.