
Florida Republican Blames His Party's Woes on "Puerto Rican Influx"

Adam Weinstein · 04/08/14 02:00PM

The Republican leader of one of Florida's most populous urban centers was asked this week why his party was faring so poorly among voters in the area. His answer was that government-loving "semi-socialist" Puerto Ricans are moving in and changing things for the worse.

Adam Weinstein · 03/25/14 01:56PM

Pro tip: If you want to keep a Hispanic billionaire as the top fundraiser of your embattled Republican gubernatorial re-election campaign in heavily Hispanic Florida, try to keep your gringo staffers from cracking jokes in fake Mexican accents on a ride to Chipotle.

Adam Weinstein · 01/15/14 04:30PM

Almost missed this: A leading immigration opponent says Hispanics will cause "the unmaking of America" by voting Democratic, inviting jihadist attacks, destroying "social cohesion," yadda yadda yadda. No biggie, he's just testified to Congress on immigration a few times.

Spanglish Obamacare Website Makes Less Sense Than a Telemundo Gameshow

Adam Weinstein · 01/13/14 03:37PM

Hola sirs, please to be checking el site if you are in needing of excelente coverages of your loveds for the Obama health plans. This is why our name of the website is en español "For the Caution of Health." Mija, what the fuck are these cabrónes federal on about?

Florida Ignores Department of Justice's Warning to Stop Voter Purge

Louis Peitzman · 06/02/12 03:37PM

Florida governor Rick Scott is concerned about non-citizens voting in the upcoming presidential election. At least, that's his excuse for singling out 182,000 registered voters suspected of not being U.S. citizens. That number has since been whittled down to 2,600, but the Department of Justice would like Florida to call off the purge entirely.

White People Have Lost Control of the Heartland

Hamilton Nolan · 11/14/11 04:06PM

What an age we live in! Whereas America sprung full-formed from the breast of Jesus as a white Christian nation in 1776, now we have all types of weird foreign people here. And we welcome them, now that they've gotten in despite our considerable national spirit of xenophobia! Middle America is no longer as white as it's always been (since we killed the natives!).

President Obama's Very Simple Plan to Win Latino Voters

Jim Newell · 11/11/11 05:33PM

Huge support and turnout from Latino voters will be a key part of President Obama's reelection campaign. What must he do to ingratiate himself, again? Nothing, really. In his mind, he can just show some clips of Republicans talking about immigration and pretty much seal things up.

Texas Taken Over by Mescans

Hamilton Nolan · 02/18/11 03:49PM

Texas—for a brief period the most All-American state except for New Hampshire—has, alas, succumbed to the inexorable demographic tidal wave that continues to swamp this nation in non-whiteness. Says the Washington Post:

Ricky Martin's First Gay Music Video Is Atrocious

Brian Moylan · 01/11/11 12:27PM

Ricky Martin finally came out as a gay Puerto Rican father and his first single is the straightest, whitest thing in the world. It's like the saddest John Mayer reject of all time. At least he gets shirtless. There's that.