Oh, how awkward. Not only did Time put an Asian guy on the cover of their "Yo Decido" cover about Latino voters, but the Asian guy in question is actually a member of the press. OC Weekly's Michelle Woo reports,

A friend of mine, Michael Schennum, is the short-haired gentleman in the top row, center, behind the letter "M." He is half Chinese and half white. Not Latino. Not even a little bit. Not even one of those Chinese-Mexicans from Mexicali that OC's own Robert Chao Romero likes to write about. At least as far as Schennum knows. Schennum, who is a staff photographer for The Arizona Republic, wrote on his Facebook page, "They never told me what it was for or [asked] if I was Latino."

Time apologized for the misunderstanding, noting "we took steps to ensure that everyone self-identified as Latino, that they are registered voters, and that they would be willing to answer our questions" while photographing 151 people in three days. [OCWeekly via FishbowlLA]