Lawsuit Alleges John Travolta's Penis Is 'Roughly Eight Inches' With 'Unkempt' Pubes
Louis Peitzman · 05/07/12 06:22PMJohn Travolta Sued Over 'Reverse Massage' Penis Touch
Maureen O'Connor · 05/07/12 04:00PM
A male masseur has filed a $2 million lawsuit against John Travolta, TMZ reports, alleging that a naked and "semi-erect" Travolta offered a "reverse massage" and touched the masseur's penis and testicles during a session at the Beverly Hills Hotel. "Come on dude, I'll jerk you off," the complainant alleges Travolta said.
Dutch Court Continues to Ruin Everything, Upholds Law Preventing Sale of Cannabis to Tourists
Louis Peitzman · 04/29/12 04:30PM
It's not news that the Netherlands has decided to limit legal marijuana consumption to residents, but man, a lot of us were hoping that wouldn't stick. Alas, Dutch court has ruled to uphold the law. Here's what this means for you, anyone who isn't Dutch: you can't fly to Amsterdam to get stoned in one of the city's legendary "coffee shops."
Sorry, Vultures: No Osama Bin Laden Death Pics for You
Louis Peitzman · 04/26/12 06:53PM
It's been almost a year since Osama bin Laden was killed, and we're all still pretty jazzed about that. But for some, the knowledge of bin Laden's death just isn't enough. "Government watchdog group" Judicial Watch sued to have the photos and video of dead bin Laden released. Today, U.S. district judge James said no.
Thomas Kinkade's Girlfriend Facing Restraining Order to Protect Trade Secrets
Louis Peitzman · 04/21/12 03:18PMCouple Sue Landlord Over Haunted House
Louis Peitzman · 04/16/12 11:00PMDolce & Gabbana Sues Dolce & Banana
Maureen O'Connor · 03/30/12 04:13PM
Dolce & Banana, a Cape Town jewelry shop that sells beaded necklaces to tourists, has been slapped with a trademark infringement lawsuit from none other than Italian fashion house Dolce & Gabbana. South African craft enthusiast Mijou Beller has since changed the name of her store to "...And Banana." She says she doesn't have the 100,000 South African rands ($13,195) to pay back the legal fees D&G claims she owes them. She is, however, pleased to have been featured in VOGUE.
Huffington Post Bloggers' Lawsuit Dismissed
Maureen O'Connor · 03/30/12 03:53PMVictim of Chimp Attack Wants to Sue the State
Louis Peitzman · 03/25/12 02:03PM
Charla Nash, the woman whose face and hands were ripped off by a friend's pet chimpanzee, is trying to sue the state of Connecticut. She claims that Governor Dannel P. Malloy — who was mayor of Stamford when the chimp first escaped in 2003 — knew about the danger and didn't do anything to prevent the attack.
Big Dubious Sex Lawsuit Against Dov Charney Tossed Out
Hamilton Nolan · 03/21/12 10:20AM
A year ago, pervy American Apparel founder Dov Charney was sued for a quarter of a billion dollars (ha) by Irene Morales, a former employee who claimed that he forced her to have sex with him in exchange for her employment at AA. After she filed her suit, a whole bunch of X-rated text messages and photos (see pic, for example) that she sent to Charney became public, seriously undermining her case.
Student Sues School District Over Illegal Search of Her Facebook Page
Louis Peitzman · 03/10/12 04:39PM
A 12-year-old Minnesota girl has joined forces with the ACLU to sue her school district. Minnewaska School officials penalized the girl, known only as "R.S.," for information she posted off of school property to her private Facebook page. At one point, she was "intimidated" into giving up her password so that administrators could see the rest of her posts.