Confirmed: Lindsay Lohan to Be Lifetime's Liz Taylor
Neetzan Zimmerman · 04/23/12 02:55PMPR Dummies: Michael Lohan Is Pretty Much the Worst
Hamilton Nolan · 03/30/12 04:43PMLindsay Lohan's Probation Ends; LA Morgue Loses Another Fine Worker
Caity Weaver · 03/29/12 07:31PMLindsay Lohan Cannot Escape Her Past
Emma Carmichael · 03/05/12 01:30PMSerious Question: Did Lindsay Lohan Suck on SNL?
Louis Peitzman · 03/04/12 12:42PMHere is Lindsay Lohan's 'Making Fun of Herself' SNL Monologue
Matt Toder · 03/04/12 08:20AMLindsay Lohan Is Excited to Make Fun of Herself
Louis Peitzman · 03/03/12 04:59PMLindsay Lohan Begged Lorne Michaels to Let Her Host SNL
Matt Toder · 03/02/12 01:13AMLindsay Lohan is hosting Saturday Night Live this week and stopped by Jimmy Fallon's show to make sure everyone knows about it. Before reminiscing about the classic Debbie Downer sketch that they all giggled through during her first hosting appearance, Lohan talked about how she ended up doing the show this time around. Turns out, she hounded Lorne Michaels until he said yes.
Lindsay Lohan: Working at the Morgue Was 'Amazing'
Maureen O'Connor · 03/01/12 12:00PMThe Whitney Houston Index: What if These People Died the Night Before the Oscars?
Maureen O'Connor · 02/24/12 02:32PM
Sigmund Freud theorized that humans have a death drive, a latent desire for self-destruction. In a media ecosystem rife with celebity death pictures, celebrity death bets, Celebrity Rehab, I'd say we have a culture-wide "death drive," too. The reaction to Whitney Houston's death two weeks ago, reported the day before the Grammys, underscored our obsession with such celebrity tragedies. What would be the Oscars' version of that particular fallout?
Lindsay Lohan to Keep Her Clothes On When She Hosts SNL March 3rd
Leah Beckmann · 02/19/12 11:28AM
It's true, Truecolors makeup mall kiosk that is Lindsay Lohan is all set to host SNL the first weekend in March. It will be interesting to see how the cast handles Lindz. Will they go the way of the tame show, mildly acknowledging Lindsay as a train wreck and politely moving on, or will they include her in the joke?
Oh God Lindsay Lohan What Are You Doing
Maureen O'Connor · 02/07/12 10:29AMPlease, Neither Lindsay Lohan nor Megan Fox Will Play Elizabeth Taylor
Brian Moylan · 01/17/12 02:33PMLindsay Lohan Owes $94,000 in Back Taxes
Brian Moylan · 01/12/12 03:35PMAn Annotated History of Lindsay Lohan Nudity
Maureen O'Connor · 12/13/11 01:35PM
Lindsay Lohan's Playboy issue hits newsstands this week, amid widespread disappointment. Over the last six years, every part of Lindsay has been photographed repeatedly. (Her latest nip slip occurred this morning.) Now presenting Lindsay Lohan: A Portrait of the Starlet as the Sum of Her Private Parts. NSFW after the jump.
Lindsay Lohan Took $10,000 to a House Party
Lauri Apple · 12/11/11 04:36PM
Disappointing(ly) naked person Lindsay Lohan and her shapeshifting sister Aliana have been vacationing in Hawaii this weekend to escape from their life burdens. Of course, Lindsay encountered her nemesis, The Wicked Dr. Drama, while standing in line for another non-alcoholic pineapple drink and this produced consequences, which subsequently transformed into strange gossip news.
Lindsay Lohan's Playboy Pictures Are a Letdown
Maureen O'Connor · 12/09/11 02:30PM
Lindsay Lohan's much-discussed "boobs, ass, and vag" Playboy photoshoot has leaked online in its entirety (NSFW link) and it's a massive letdown. First, there is no "vag." Second, they photoshopped out her freckles and tattoos, which is a pretty significant change; we aren't looking at Lindsay, but a Lindsay-shaped work of graphic art. Third, this is just the poor man's version of her other nude Marilyn Monroe photoshoot, which appeared in New York in 2008.
Lindsay Lohan's Playboy Cover Is Now Online
Maureen O'Connor · 12/07/11 03:40PM
Lindsay Lohan will preview her Playboy pictorial on Ellen DeGeneres' talk show next week—and in the meantime, images from "very classy" "boobs, ass, and vag" photo shoot are starting to surface. A handful of gossip sites ran a photograph of the purported magazine this afternoon, featuring a honey-blonde LiLo naked and spread eagle on a bunny-shaped chair.