
Clueless British Police Suggest Twitter Require Real Names

Adrian Chen · 08/26/11 11:42AM

Here is a striking example of how detached from reality British authorities' post-riot social media crackdown is. The cop in charge of their social media efforts suggested that Twitter could force people to use their real names on the service. Has he ever been on Twitter?

Scotland Yard Arrested a 70-Year-Old for Looting

Jeff Neumann · 08/22/11 07:31AM

Scotland Yard said a 70-year-old man was the oldest person arrested during riots there. He was busted "in connection with theft from a shop in West Ealing. He was cautioned." Being London's Oldest Looter is quite an honor. [Independent]

The Volunteer Army Staging a Post-Riot 'Urban Intervention'

Remy Stern · 08/12/11 05:38PM

The U.K. riots of the past week have done incalculable damage to businesses and homes. After the cleanup come the longer-term task of rebuilding—and many of the people who have been hit the hardest (i.e. small business owners) can't afford the high costs involved.

Racist Skinheads Banned from Staging Skinhead Riot

Jeff Neumann · 08/12/11 07:36AM

Nationwide civil unrest hasn't come full circle until racist fringe groups come out to point fingers and promote xenophobic vigilantism. And that's where the English Defence League comes in! The group was all set to march on the streets of Telford this weekend in order "to address the threat posed by Muslim child-grooming gangs." Oh, but the British Home Secretary Theresa May today said, "It is clear that a ban is needed to ensure communities and property are protected."

British Call Facebook, Twitter, BlackBerry on the Carpet

Ryan Tate · 08/11/11 05:07PM

The British Home Secretary will meet with the companies behind Twitter and BlackBerry to discuss whether they can help curb the nation's riots. It was only a few months ago that cracking down on social networks was considered the province of despots. Now the British government is making it sound like an essential step for safety.

British Police Plan a 'Fightback' as Three More Die in Riots

Adrian Chen · 08/10/11 10:36AM

On the fourth night of England's riots, 10,000 police flooded London streets and the city remained mostly calm. But the riots spread to other cities, leaving three men dead in Birmingham. British Prime Minister David Cameron promised a "fightback" to squelch unrest.

Internet Dragnet Hunts London Hooligans

Ryan Tate · 08/09/11 07:27PM

Barely a month ago, thousands of rioter pictures were funneled to the Vancouver police via Facebook, Twitter and the broader internet. The internet dragnet seemed novel at the time. But now the same sort of viral manhunt is underway in London.

British Looters Are Now a Meme

Adrian Chen · 08/09/11 06:49PM

Sure, England's been convulsed by riots likely to have devastating social and economic impacts for months, but at least a funny meme is coming out of it.

Apple Locks Down Its Supremely Lootable British Stores

Adrian Chen · 08/09/11 02:28PM

Who among us hasn't walked into an Apple store and secretly thought, "Damn, I'd love to loot this place." All those huge, bright windows and all those pricey iPhone 4s waiting to be hurled through them! Apple knows how you feel: The company is locking down its UK stores like Alcatraz.

Uncouth British Rioters Don't Appreciate the Working Press

Hamilton Nolan · 08/09/11 01:57PM

In your Molotov-y Tuesday media column: London is unsafe for journalists, Alec Baldwin likes newspapers, Time magazine is beating the piss out of Newsweek, News of the World staffers get severance offers, KING magazine remembered, and scientists vs. journalists.

The London Riots Spread Across the Country

Adrian Chen · 08/09/11 12:42PM

As night approaches in England, the riots raging in London spread to other UK cities, police flood the streets, residents clean up, and a man dies from riot-related violence. Welcome to day four of the London riots.

Blackberry Hacked for Cooperating with London Police

Adrian Chen · 08/09/11 09:52AM

The London riots are being blamed in part on the encrypted Blackberry Messenger service British youth are using to communicate. Blackberry manufacturer RIM has pledged to cooperate with the police. Now hackers have hit back, and are threatening to release sensitive information if RIM gives up rioters' Blackberry info.