The London Riots Spread Across the Country

As night approaches in England, the riots raging in London spread to other UK cities, police flood the streets, residents clean up, and a man dies from riot-related violence. Welcome to day four of the London riots.
- The riots now have a death toll: A man who was shot in a car during the riots in Croydon has died.
- 10,000 extra police offers have been ordered to flood the streets of London, raising the total number from 6,000 to 16,000. They may use rubber bullets to quell rioters—a first for England.
- The riots have started to spread to other cities in the UK. There have been violent outbreaks in Birmingham, Bristol and Liverpool.
- People have blamed social media for rioters' destruction, but some have taken to these same networks to organize clean-up drives. The twitter account @riotcleanup has 72,000 followers. And Scotland Yard has set up a Flickr account and website of pictures of looters, hoping for leads in identifying and arresting them

According to Scotland Yard's twitter account there have been 563 arrests in the riots so far and 48 police officers have been injured.
- Two different perspectives from residents of the hardest-struck areas: Here's one woman angry at the police:
"I don't call it rioting. I call it an insurrection of the masses of the people. It is happening in Syria, it is happening in Clapham, it has happening in Liverpool, it is happening in Port of Spain, Trinidad."
- Prime Minister David Cameron, home early from vacation, finally, gave a statement: ""I am determined, the Government is determined that justice will be done and these people will see the consequences of their actions."
- London Mayor Boris Johnson also had to cut his vacation short but he still got heckled when he addressed citizens at the scene of some of the worst riots.
- Hulk Hogan, America's mayor, has some things to say about these riots too.
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[Photos via Getty, AP]