
Looking at the Look Book

Jessica · 10/05/05 07:43AM

In this week's installment of New York mag's style pages for the common man, the Look Book, we're introduced to Ronald Whitfield, the number two man for the NYC Department of Corrections union. Describing his style as "mature conservative," Whitfield isn't a fan of the baggy-pants prison style but sure loves him some haberdashery before a night in with the latest episode of CSI (Oz, however, is a little too realistic). He's also given a lot of thought to the prison plights of Martha Stewart versus Lil' Kim, which means we might have something in common with Ron after all. After the jump, Intern Alexis wrangles Steven Chen, Katie Halper, and Daniel Levin Becker for comment on Whitfield's Stacy Adams shoes.

Looking at the Look Book

Jessica · 09/27/05 02:52PM

Ladies and gentleman, feast your eyes upon the wreckage that is Jasmine Golestaneh, a musician (of course) who prides herself on a fashion sense which resembles a "semi-catastrophic" accident. In this week's edition of New York mag's Look Book, Jasmine confesses her predilection to finding garments in the street, speaking to clothing, and bossing around her bandmates. After the jump, Intern Alexis grills Rachel Hardage and Sheraz Shere for some fashionable policing.

Look at the Look Book, Live

Jesse · 09/21/05 02:39PM

We can't say we've really getten too excited for New York magazine's current, changing-every-day ad campaign, even despite daily emails from the best mag publicists in the business letting us know about the each day's new elements. (Campaign stickers on election day! Woo-hoo!)

Looking at the Look Book

Jessica · 09/21/05 07:30AM

In this week's edition of New York magazine's Look Book, we meet Pete Kress, your friendly neighborhood bouncer. Pete considers his style "rico suave," likes pig carcasses, and comes complete with tattoos and pit bull. But we bet you already knew all that just by looking at him. After the jump, Intern Alexis grills Aziz Ansari, Jen Adams, and Christina Kallery for their tips and tricks for making Petey a pretty boy.

Looking at the Look Book

Jessica · 09/13/05 02:18PM

Attention: This week's edition of New York mag's Look Book does not feature a total fucktard. We're sorry — we know you were really looking forward to gawking at some NYU fool who fashioned a tuxedo out of a mere trucker hat. But don't worry; Kirsten Yadouga (at right) is still worth a moment of good-natured mockery! An accessories designer for the Gap, Kirsten likes to look girly and pretty, loves alternafreak author JT Leroy, and claims to have found that fab yellow dress at a vintage store. (Well, we suppose last season's Ella Moss is "vintage" in some circles.) After the jump, Intern Alexis rounds up Tim Stack, Meredith Bodgas, and Chris McFall ponder Kirsten's style and what would happen if she met JT Leroy.

This Looks Familiar, Vaguely Familiar

Jesse · 09/12/05 12:00PM

We hope New York editor Adam Moss and his design director, the lovable Luke Hayman, are just bursting with pride right now. Because The Guardian in London totally ripped off their "Look Book" for the redesigned newspaper's new "Style" page.

Looking at the Look Book

Jessica · 08/23/05 03:45PM

In this week's edition of the Look Book, New York magazine assaults us with the image of hedge-fund manager David Roach, who could clearly dominate you at Golden Tee while shoving one of his pricey Cuban cigars up your ass. Alright, fine: Rauch doesn't exactly admit to enjoying those exact activities, but he says he's got a "superrich" mentality, so we're sure we're not too far off base. After the jump, Intern Alexis rounds up Ky Henderson, Matteo Borghese, and John Boschetto for analysis of this interesting specimen.

Looking at the Look Book

Jesse · 08/16/05 03:45PM

We have no doubt New York mag is made with all sorts of animal and animal-derived products and byproducts, from the leather whips with which Bruce Wasserstein keeps the staff motivated all day to the warm calf's milk in which Adam Moss soaks his feet each night. But the mag finally threw a bone, as it were, to the city's anti-meat community, picking vegan pastry chef Duch Ermold for this week's Look Book.

Looking at the Look Book

Jessica · 07/27/05 10:45AM

This week's edition of New York magazine's Look Book goes for the jugular of international media and profiles Sofia Hedstrom, a reporter for a Swedish television show based in our fair city. Don't get your lube out just yet — Sofia's not exactly the girl of your Nordic fantasties. She is, however, a fan of H&M (how patriotic). And, because Sofia's read the August issues of every magazine on the racks right now, she's got a sneaking suspicion that 60s style is going to be popular for fall. Maybe so, but that doesn't excuse her knee socks and Banana shorts. After the jump, Intern Alexis cajoles Nick Sylvester and Hud Morgan into doling out a few pearls of pretty, petty wisdom.

Looking at the Look Book

Jessica · 07/19/05 02:25PM

Do you ever have one of those situations where every joke you could make would be terribly misconstrued? Yeah, us too.