
The New Anna Wintour: Whoever InStyle's Editor Is

Hamilton Nolan · 05/18/10 12:27PM

In your competitive Tuesday media column: the fashion mag ad race is heated, GQ manages to sell electric doo-dads to people somehow, Michael Wolff's beef parade marches on, and the NYT rocked by "getting a good political story" scandal.

Meet Steppin' Out, America's Trashiest Magazine

Maureen O'Connor · 05/14/10 11:47AM

This week Jersey nightlife magazine Steppin' Out features Michelle Bombshell in a Sicilian widow costume that came from a plastic bag at a Halloween store. This isn't even its best work. A walk down memory lane with America's trashiest publication.

Will Conde Nast Abandon Times Square?

Hamilton Nolan · 05/13/10 12:50PM

Conde Nast, the only civilized business near Times Square except the Hawaiian Tropic Zone, is considering moving its headquarters down to Ground Zero's 1 World Trade Center. Can you imagine! And Conde's being wooed with some very questionable assurances.

Haim Saban Eyes Newsweek

Hamilton Nolan · 05/13/10 08:54AM

Billionaire entertainment industry power player and Clinton pal Haim Saban is probably still getting over the sting of being unable to completely manipulate The New Yorker's profile of him. Perhaps he will buy Newsweek, as a consolation prize.

Poop on Rupe

Hamilton Nolan · 05/11/10 12:10PM

In your holy Tuesday media column: Rupert Murdoch bathes his children in shit, David Brooks' wild undergrad antics exposed, Google has irrational hope for online ads, Playboy goes 3-D, and Donna Brazile is tired of hearing herself talk.

How Apple is Watering Down Fashion Spreads

Ryan Tate · 05/10/10 06:25PM

A British fashion magazine has reportedly dubbed its iPad issue "the Iran edition" due to the requirement to remove nipples and other body parts to get content on Apple's tablet computer. Call this the "Apple chilling effect."

Playboy Is Now Cubicle-Friendly

Sergio Hernandez · 05/06/10 02:15PM

Playboy just announced its first quarter results and it's hemorrhaging money as per usual. Its new turnaround plan: beefing up the magazine's digital presence with a "free, safe-for-work" site. Now you really can just read it for the articles! [PaidContent]

The Richest Journalist in America

Hamilton Nolan · 05/06/10 01:18PM

In your enriching Thursday media column: someone in the media finally strikes it rich, everyone blames Jon Meacham, Les Moonves is wildly overpaid, and you better not buy what he's selling.

Newsweek For Sale!

Hamilton Nolan · 05/05/10 10:38AM

Lord knows the Washington Post Co. has enough trouble just balancing out the economic black hole that is the Washington Post. They can't deal with Newsweek's losses, too. So it's for sale. And how's this for an enthusiastic sales pitch?

Washington Post Reporter Slammed for Bias Against Bigots

Hamilton Nolan · 05/04/10 01:43PM

In your biased Tuesday media column: a WaPo reporter loses all credibility with hateful Jesus wingnuts, yet another Tumblr-to-book deal, the entire media apparatus struggles to figure out the internet's secrets, and a new poll proves nobody is credible.

Media CEOs Paid as if They Ran Successful Companies

Hamilton Nolan · 05/03/10 02:02PM

In your magical Monday media column: Media CEOs earn Monopoly money, a fine White House Celebucocksucking Dinner roundup, CNN gets a new toy, and the Arizona Republic finds a use for editorials.