
Sarah Ellison Banned from WSJ Press Conference

Hamilton Nolan · 04/28/10 12:41PM

In your indignant Wednesday media column: yet another example of the WSJ's determined surliness, big media buys cheap ass stories, the battle for control of the doomed Philly papers, and Alex Pareene is somewhere else now.

Another Sarah Palin Magazine. But Why?

Hamilton Nolan · 04/27/10 04:07PM

A tipster tells us this mysterious Sarah Palin magazine—another one—was found in a Target in Atlanta. "Historical Moments in Time," "Plus, Book Reviews." Why? How? Atlanta-area readers, please pick up a copy at once—for Sarah(?).

David Remnick Loves Porn-Obsessed Sex Comic

Hamilton Nolan · 04/19/10 01:23PM

In your comment-free Monday media column: Tracy Morgan sits at the fancy table, rumors of a departure from Vogue, the WSJ targets NYT advertisers, everyone wants student newspapers to shut up, and black reporters are disappearing fast.

A Fashion Magazine For Poor Slobs Like You

Hamilton Nolan · 04/19/10 08:43AM

Magazines are in trouble. Fashion is expensive, but we're broke. Americans aren't as purty as the celebrities are. Not to worry, impoverished unattractive celebrity-worshiping American magazine consumers! A magazine just for you is a wild success.

Another Way HuffPo Is the Same as World Net Daily

Hamilton Nolan · 04/14/10 01:00PM

In your woofin' Wednesday media column: Arianna Huffington's allotment of celebrity seats at the White House Correspondents Dinner is the greatest issue facing journalism in America, the National Enquirer was stiffed, BusinessWeek is clueless, and an alt-weekly loses.