
Tom Scocca · 03/04/14 04:09PM

The D.C. Council passed a decriminalization measure today that would reduce the penalty for possessing an ounce of pot to a $25 civil fine. Unless the various federal police agencies feel like busting people under federal law, or Congress uses its colonial-rule powers to throw the whole thing out.

Legalize Weed Already

Hamilton Nolan · 01/28/14 11:40AM

The latest poll numbers, from NBC and the Wall Street Journal, are in: 55% of Americans say "they favor allowing regulated businesses to sell marijuana." What's the holdup?

What Is a Kennedy Doing Weedsplaining Pot's Dangers to Barack Obama?

Adam Weinstein · 01/21/14 04:07PM

Patrick Kennedy—former congressman, son of the late Sen. Ted Kennedy—got on MSNBC last night to tell Barack Obama that, contrary to the president's recent statements, marijuana is terribly, terribly dangerous. It was a bizarre message. It was even weirder, considering the messenger.

Florida Pols Have Best Two-Timing, Roomie-Fucking Pot-Smoking Day Ever

Adam Weinstein · 01/13/14 12:30PM

How awesome is it to be a legislator in the Sunshine State this year? This awesome: You get to approve the legalization of adultery, cohabitation, and giving young children a strain of marijuana called Charlotte's Web, all in one afternoon sitting.

A Side Benefit of Legal Weed Is the Cops Go Broke

Hamilton Nolan · 01/10/14 01:56PM

The primary benefits of legalizing weed are the end of the horribly racist and unjustifiable imprisonment of thousands of nonviolent Americans, and awkward columns from old white columnists. A good secondary benefit, though: it costs the police money.

Detroit Councilman Leads Cops on Chase, Has Weed in Car, Goes Free

Adam Weinstein · 01/10/14 08:28AM

George Cushingberry Jr. is probably flying high today, and not just because of the Bubba Kush he brought home from the strip club. The recently elected Detroit City Council president pro tem got off with just a ticket after taking the cops for a ride with pot and open liquor in his car.

Hamilton Nolan · 12/11/13 09:33AM

Uruguay has legalized weed. So go to Uruguay, I guess, to smoke weed, legally. It's pretty far away though.

Gabrielle Bluestone · 12/02/13 10:52PM

Miley Cyrus: gateway drug. Back in the day, the latex salvia queen peer pressured Joe Jonas of the vaunted Brothers Jonas into trying marijuana, according to frère Joe's new semi-revealing (if weird Disney childhoods are your thing) New York Magazine essay.

Alabama Town Evacuates Over Suspected Bomb, Learns It's Just Marijuana

Adam Weinstein · 11/22/13 11:13AM

More than a dozen schools, two college campuses, and multiple businesses in Decatur, Alabama, were evacuated Thursday over a suspicious package attached to a railcar laden with toxic gas. But rather than explosives, authorities found the package held several pounds of weed.

Adam Weinstein · 11/21/13 01:56PM

A new poll shows 86 percent of Floridians want to legalize medical marijuana. So take heart, because for all of America's divisive problems, some things even you and your redneck uncle Zeb in Wewahitchka can agree on.