
The Anatomy of the Google Product Cycle

Nick Douglas · 07/03/06 02:52PM

BusinessWeek's hype-killing article on Google's product line has everyone buzzing about the company's product cycle. Guest writer Garry Bibb explains the process — it all starts with a Battlestar Galactica marathon and some Mike's Hard Lemonade.

West Bay Story: The Google-Yahoo rumble

Nick Douglas · 06/30/06 10:24PM

9:00 P.M. Under Route 101.
It is nightfall. The almost-silhouetted gangs come in from separate sides: climbing over the fences or crawling through holes in the walls. There is silence as they fan out on opposite sides of the cleared space. Then one of the Yahoos' Sidekicks rings, and they really have to take this call, so everyone waits and a few Googlers check in on Dodgeball.

Unintended consequences of geek fame

Nick Douglas · 06/30/06 09:07PM

The Washington Post and "don't call me the Segway inventor" Dean Kamen want geeks to be famous. Rather than letting creative geniuses get all the glory for their piddly "Oscars" and their "works of timeless art," the Post and Kamen want kids to worship real role models like the Google guys and YouTube founders.

Marissa Mayer's 9 Notions of Innovation

Nick Douglas · 06/13/06 06:06PM

The world is made by people with lists — Nixon kept his enemies list, Machiavelli had his list of rules for a prince, and how could the Black Mamba have killed Bill without her list of katana-victims-to-be? That's why Marissa Mayer's 9 Notions of Innovation prove her worth to the world.

Coroner Gillmor

Nick Douglas · 05/22/06 10:30AM

Oh, that's too cute. As the creator of this adorable little Steve Gillmor animation said, "Ding dong, everything's dead." Watch or just play the audio of the ZDNet pundit declaring search, Office, and so many other wicked witches, dead under Dorothy's porch.

Twas the year before Google (or, A Visit from Saint Moneybags)

Nick Douglas · 05/22/06 09:00AM

Like a mattress store desperate for another sale week, we're holding Christmas in May, thanks to this reader-submitted holiday poem about Larry and Sergey coming to town (On Mayer! On Schmidtty! On Vint Cerf and Blitzen!). Eight witty stanzas after the jump — so click through that mofo.

Marissa Mayer rocks the beatbox

Nick Douglas · 05/19/06 09:00AM

Yes, this is the bone-chilling laugh of Google VP-and-spokeswoman Marissa Mayer. Yes, someone sampled it over a beat and sent it in. Yes, we all have too much time on our hands. Now listen.

The infectious giggle of Marissa Mayer

Nick Douglas · 05/18/06 07:54PM

Marissa Mayer's laugh is one of those iconic sounds of American culture. Like the NBC chimes and the phrase "I'm Rick James, bitch," the nervous giggle of the Google VP forever echoes in the mind of the zeitgeist. VC Paul Kedrosky calls it "unnerving." Various Stanford students e-mailed in noting the same.

Marissa Mayer live! Now! Watch!

Nick Douglas · 05/17/06 08:25PM

Ah! Ah! Ah! Google VP Marissa Mayer is speaking at Stanford right now just finished speaking after this post went live, sorry.

Guest post: Larry, Mari, Sergey, and Eri make their own Google gossip

Nick Douglas · 05/17/06 04:36PM

Are the public faces of Google all wagging the dog by seeding their own gossip? One reader says the Google soap opera is scripted. But watch where you step in this sticky conspiracy theory — sprinkle some "sic"s and "alleged"s in there. Before the jump, the theorist gives the mounting evidence. After the jump, their theories.

Google launches Google Co-op

Nick Douglas · 05/10/06 03:20PM

Google VP Marissa Mayer just announced customized search system Google Co-op.