Google Blogoscoped went and did it — the search blog revealed info from the Orkut profiles of major Googlers to the unwashed, uninvited masses.

So it's only fair to show you what they missed.

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Marissa Mayer: 155 friends
Yes, the VP of search products and user experience is turned on by candlelight. That should come in handy on her perfect first date, which ends with "talking until dawn." To Marissa, sleep is for other people. Does she ever actually use those silk pajamas that are ostensibly in her bedroom?

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Eric Schmidt: 66 friends
The CEO doesn't share any romantic info (his wife wouldn't like that), though his favorite book, A World Lit Only By Fire, sounds close enough to candlelight. Surprise surprise, he calls himself a workaholic. (Surprise surprise, by Google's standards he isn't.)

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Larry Page: 112 friends
One of co-founder Larry's listed styles is "alternative." Anyone else turned on by the idea of a shaggy, Nirvana-worshipping Larry Page?

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Sergey Brin: 123 friends
Sadly, this is probably a diagram of his actual DNA. But the dude shares no info whatsoever. Smart move, Sergey.

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Bill Coughran: 33 friends
The senior VP of engineering and research's favorite TV is "24 hour news." Yeesh. Engineers.

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Jeff Huber: 252 friends
Yet another VP who loves "Blade Runner." Sense a pattern here?

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George Reyes: 9 friends
Oof. The CFO title doesn't come with a few placeholder friends? No sense making fun of this guy — it'd be like kicking a very lonely puppy.

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Jason Shellen: 232 friends
This dude deserves every friend he's got and more. One of the original engineers at Blogger (he came to Google along with Blogger maker Pyra), Jason lists his favorite Cuisinart as Kitchen Aid.

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Eric Case: 94 friends
The new king of Blogger is no slouch either. "Television = consent manufacturing," he says. That's why the indie Eric Case reads obscure authors like Michael Crichton. (To be fair, he's a Bill Bryson and Victor Hugo fan too.)

There are the interesting Googlers. All the others aren't worth knowing.

The Google Connection: Google Employees on Orkut [Google Blogoscoped]