
Welcome to the Neighborhood: The Rise (and Rise) of Suburban Poverty

Vann R. Newkirk II · 03/05/15 01:23PM

President Obama's State of the Union Address in January was the highest-profile moment of post-Recession recovery bluster. As Obama noted in soaring rhetoric, "we've seen the fastest economic growth in over a decade, our deficits cut by two-thirds, a stock market that has doubled, and health care inflation at its lowest rate in fifty years." And more than the actual signs of recovery, national fist-pumping has sent a resounding signal that the country is in full-on comeback mode.

Cop Confronts Kid Armed With Toy AR-15 and Manages Not to Kill Him

Andy Cush · 01/07/15 04:54PM

On New Year's Eve, Annapolis, Md., police officer Jason Shreves responded to a call about a man wearing a ski mask and a hoodie who was armed with a handgun and a rifle. The man, it turned out, was a 13-year-old boy, and the AR-15 and pistol were both airsoft guns. Somehow, the boy survived.

Watch a Maryland Republican Sing "Dixie" With His Fellow Secessionists

Adam Weinstein · 07/29/14 02:23PM

Michael Peroutka is a former candidate for president of the United States. He's currently running as a Republican for a council seat in Anne Arundel County, Maryland. Around 1:55 in the video above, watch him grab a guitar, ask everyone to "stand for the national anthem," and start belting out "Dixie."

Michelle Dean · 05/16/14 08:59AM

Maryland has become the latest state to get a revenge porn statute onto the books. Governor Martin O'Malley yesterday signed HB 43 into law. It makes the placement of nude photographs on the Internet without consent, and with the intent to cause emotional harm a misdemeanor punishable by two years in prison, or a $5,000 fine.

Gun-Shop Owner: Maryland Mall Shooter Seemed Pretty Cool to Me

Adam Weinstein · 01/28/14 10:21AM

The co-owner of United Gun Shop in Rockville, Maryland, says 18-year-old Darion Aguilar—who purchased a 12-gauge shotgun at the store, then used it to kill two people and himself in a nearby shopping mall—"was an ideal customer."