
Come Tour the Newest Section of the High Line

Brian Moylan · 06/07/11 03:40PM

The newest expanse of Manhattan's hippest walkway, the High Line park, will open to the public tomorrow. Everyone is dying to check it out, but it's hot outside and the crowds will be awful. Let's take a virtual tour, shall we?

Orlando Is More Popular Than NYC

Seth Abramovitch · 05/25/11 01:23AM

There's an ongoing rivalry between New York City and Orlando to see which of these popular vacation destinations could reach 50 million visitors in a single calendar year, instantly earning them the title of "most overcrowded and overpriced tourist trap in America."

Project Runway: Mayor McCheese

Brian Moylan · 10/15/10 02:44PM

Last night Mayor-for-Life Michael Bloomberg gave the designers of Project Runway keys to the city. Then they designed things inspired by Gotham. Everything was black: bleak, hopeless, and black.

A Hero's Welcome

Brian Moylan · 08/17/10 06:09PM

[Mayor Michael Bloomberg was served a cheesesteak in Philadelphia today as he campaigned for U.S Senate hopeful Joe Sestak. Between this and those hot dogs, Bloomberg can't do any business without some food in his belly. Image via AP]

Bloomberg On The Run From Accusin' Ladies

Maggie · 10/04/07 01:36PM

Looks like pointing the finger at Bloomberg LP corporate isn't going to save Mayor Mike from the sex discrimination suits breathing down his neck. The ladies suing his company for bias have now filed a complaint against the mayor himself for having "fostered, condoned and perpetuated" discrimination at the company. They also claim they've heard senior managers say that Mikey calls the Bloomberg CEO "all the time," which doesn't help the Mayor's shrugging "it's not my company" claim. Hmm. Did somebody say class-action lawsuit?