• Oprah Winfrey endorses Barack Obama. Hell, if she can move copies of The Road she can probably sell anything. [NYT]
  • Both the News and the Post have padded their circulation numbers. [AdAge]
  • Jeff Bewkes, likely successor to Time Warner's Dick Parsons, sees a bright future for HBO, noting popularity of OnDemand. [B&C]
  • HBO CEO Chris Albrecht on demand with Las Vegas PD after domestic violence incident following DeLaHoya/Mayweather bout. [LAT]
  • At the Conrad Black trial, the government's star witness—Black's former right-hand man—prepares to testify. [NYP
  • CNet reporters who were spied on by Hewlett-Packard have filed suit against the company. [NYT]
  • Thomson's bid for Reuters raises regulatory concerns. [FT]
  • Media buyers to mags: Give us issue-by-issue circulation guarantees or we take a hike. [AdAge]
  • Vibe: Everybody's leaving. [WWD]
  • Boston free daily starts printing material from bloggers. You get what you pay for, etc. [NYT]
  • Conde Nast CEO Chuck Townsend: leisurewear model. [WWD]
  • This newspaper industry: Giving it away for free is a bad idea. Except that people are starting to realize the value of top-tier brands. (And Tribune.) "There's a gold rush on." [Boston Globe]
  • Simon Dumenco gets letters, a few of which don't even refer to him as a muppet! [AdAge]