
Journalists Marie Colvin and Rémi Ochlik Killed In Syria

Leah Beckmann · 02/22/12 10:29AM

American journalist Marie Colvin and French photographer Rémi Ochlik were killed early this morning in the Syrian city of Homs. Snipers reportedly loyal to President Bashar al-Assad bombarded the home, located in the Baba Amr district, where they and several other foreign journalists were staying. Sources say that at least two other journalists have been injured, including British photographer Paul Conroy.

Black People Getting Cable Channels Just as Vapid as White People's Cable Channels

Hamilton Nolan · 02/21/12 10:20AM

When Comcast acquired NBC Universal, part of its deal with the FCC was that it would "launch 10 new independently owned cable channels, with most backed by African Americans and Latinos, by 2018." Well. The first two Black People Channels have been announced. Black people, prepare for a fiesta of cable mediocrity!

Bill Keller Eagerly Reminds You That He Still Hates Julian Assange

Hamilton Nolan · 02/20/12 11:30AM

Former New York Times editor Bill Keller has spent the past year pursuing a weird personal crusade against Wikileaks founder Julian Assange. He continues, weirdly, and to the detriment of his own reputation. Likewise, we shall continue our crusade against Bill Keller, until all of the world's readers have abandoned both of us, and we are merely talking to one another, like the cranks that we all are.

Times Media Reporter Brian Stelter Reveals Number-One Dating Secret

Max Read · 02/16/12 01:15PM

Those of you who caught the news (revealed, no doubt coincidentally, in two different articles published on the same day) that New York Times media wunderkind Brian Stelter and NY1 traffic reporter Jamie Shupak are dating — and have been for five months, apparently — may be wondering what we wondered this morning when we heard: What is Brian Stelter's romance secret? (Stelter, after all, is known also for wooing CNBC reporter Nicole Lapin.) We emailed to ask, and Brian tells us:

Rapper Known For Sexually Explicit Songs Advises Teens On Sexually Explicit Behavior, Offends (UPDATED)

Danny Gold · 02/13/12 07:29PM

Rapper Too Short has had a moderately successful music career for more than two decades. He has not strayed far from the formula that made him famous: rhyming about sex. Specifically, how to get sex, how to have sex, how much he enjoys having sex, how much sex he has, and so forth. I was going to post up song titles to further reiterate my point, but most of the titles are too graphic, even for Gawker. You can pretty much do a madlibs line involving the words "pimp," "hoe," various body parts, and some familiar and not so familiar euphemisms for sexual acts. You get it. We can move on.

This is the World Press Photo Of The Year

Danny Gold · 02/10/12 07:07PM

This stunning image of a woman in Yemen comforting an injured relative during demonstrations against Yemen's president won the World Press Photo Of The Year. Samuel Aranda, a 32-year-old Spaniard, took the shot on October 15 in a makeshift field hospital set up in a mosque.

Bill Keller, Put Out to Pasture, Tilts Endlessly at Windmills

Hamilton Nolan · 02/10/12 01:09PM

Cranky Old Man Who Really Has No Original or Insightful Ideas About The Internet or Media in General But Thinks He Does Because He Lived in a High-Powered Bubble For Many Years as NYT Editor and Now Nobody Will Tell Him That His Columns Are All Tedious and Pedestrian Bill Keller has written a snide response to all the snide tweets about the snide response to his last snide column about the internet that was itself not particularly new or interesting.