What Life in New York Is About Right Now, According to the New York Times Magazine
Hamilton Nolan · 03/12/12 01:16PM
Ariel Kaminer's story about Jennifer Westfeldt's films in the latest issue of the New York Times Magazine explains that, whereas Westfeldt's last two movies were set "in a storied version of New York, where people shop at Zabar's and bump into one another's psychotherapists and are yelled at by lovably grouchy white taxi drivers," her new film has moved on to more vital territory:
Marie Claire's Accessories Director Spends More Than You Make, Each Weekend
Leah Beckmann · 03/12/12 11:14AM
Kyle Anderson, Marie Claire's accessories director and Sex and the City caricature come to life, pens a Monday morning column for fashion blog, Daily Front Row. What I Bought! is a cheeky little column that carefully chronicles all the things that Kyle buys while gallivanting around town in a single weekend. Items range from $5 coffees from Starbucks to $185 keychains to $785 trinkets from Prada. The yooj.
We Don't Need No Stinking Seal of Approval from the Blog Police
Hamilton Nolan · 03/12/12 10:00AM
David Carr's column today is partly about a plan masterminded by Ad Age columnist Simon Dumenco to create, quote, a "Council on Ethical Blogging and Aggregation," which will ostensibly serve as a sort of trade group or (nonbinding) credentialing organization for best practices in the blogosphere. Well-intended, and a bad idea.
Viral Banksy Quote on Advertising Plagiarizes 1999 Zine Essay
Louis Peitzman · 03/11/12 04:38PMKeith Olbermann Will No Longer Be Authority on World's Worst People
Louis Peitzman · 03/10/12 09:49AM
In response to more cries of liberal double standards, Keith Olbermann is suspending his "Worst Persons in the World" segment. It's all over remarks the Current TV host made three years ago about conservative commentators Michelle Malkin and S.E. Cupp. (If you guessed he called either of them a "slut," you'd be wrong.)
How Many Millions Did New York Times CEO Receive In Payout?
Danny Gold · 03/09/12 09:49PMAttention, Everyone: David Brooks Likes the Mets
Hamilton Nolan · 03/09/12 10:40AM
Wealthy, influential, and widely read pundit, author, and pop- sociology-flouter David Brooks today uses his New York Times op-ed column to announce to you, me, and everyone else around the world: he still likes the Mets. Yeah. Thought about liking the Nats, but... had to stick with the old Mets. Mmm hmm. But did he find a way to work in some pop sociology?
Atlantic Writer Shocked To Discover Backpacker Drug Use In Southeast Asia
Danny Gold · 03/09/12 12:04AMThe FBI Monitored a Young Christopher Hitchens
John Cook · 03/08/12 01:33PMYoung Sulzberger Is Coming Home to the Big City
Hamilton Nolan · 03/06/12 03:28PM
A.G. "Baller of a New Generation" Sulzberger—son of NYT publisher Pinch Sulzberger, heir to the throne of the Times empire, and natural wisenheimer—has completed his exile in Middle America, where he helmed the Kansas City desk and was forced to endure prolonged periods of subpar vegetarian cooking. He's coming home... TO RULE. To work on the Metro Desk, we mean. Don't fool yourselves; he'll be ruling soon enough.
The Situation Launches Gossip Site 'Sitch News,' Continues to Overuse the Word Situation
Leah Beckmann · 03/06/12 03:10PMWhen Corporate SEO Consultants Attack, Ridiculously
Hamilton Nolan · 03/06/12 11:56AMThe Livestreamer Mission To Syria Was Not A Good Idea
Danny Gold · 03/06/12 12:02AMSlate's Advice Column Is 'Penthouse Letters' for Prudes
Maureen O'Connor · 03/05/12 06:13PM
When Slate advice column Dear Prudence explored gay male twin fucking, I assumed it was an aberration in a column otherwise devoted to wedding etiquette and mother-in-law woes. But what if Dear Prudence is actually on the cutting edge of human sexuality? What if Dear Prudence is the Penthouse Letters of tongue-clucking suburbanites?
Let's Check In On the Future of Newspapers
Hamilton Nolan · 03/05/12 12:11PM
As this whole "internet" thing has grown more popular over the past, oh, 15 years or so, the newspaper industry has declined. That's because the newspaper industry, at some point in the past, decided to give away its product for free on the internet. They figured that somehow, someday, this would make them money. It did not. Now, we can put a figure on just how badly this bet has failed.
Andrew Breitbart Is Dead (UPDATE)
Hamilton Nolan · 03/01/12 09:22AM
Right wing web provacateur Andrew Breitbart is dead. His own sites, Big Journalism and Big Government and Big Hollywood, are all carrying a statement from president Larry Solov saying that "Andrew passed away unexpectedly from natural causes shortly after midnight this morning in Los Angeles."
James Murdoch Done as Head of News International
Hamilton Nolan · 02/29/12 09:52AM
The neverending News Corp phone hacking scandal continues to chip away at the Murdoch family's prestige. James Murdoch—son of Rupert and onetime heir to the company throne—is stepping down as the head of News International, News Corp's UK publishing arm. He'll be, ah, setting up shop here in New York in order to "Focus on expanding international TV businesses," according to the company.
This Is the Best Final Paragraph of Any Fluff Piece Ever
Leah Beckmann · 02/28/12 05:52PM
In honor of Leap Year tomorrow, Reuters posted a light article brimming with Leap Year-inspired fluff. The article patiently waits for Raenell Dawn and Peter Brouwer, the founders of the Honor Society for Leap Year Day Babies, to list off the inconveniences "leapers" face: rare birthdays, calendar complications, issues with the DMV, etc.