What's Carlos Slim Want With the NYT?
Hamilton Nolan · 10/07/11 02:19PMPeggy Noonan Observes Average Americans via Closed Circuit Video
Hamilton Nolan · 10/07/11 10:49AM
The readers of the Wall Street Journal don't have time to go out into the dirty corners of the world to find out what the rabble is thinking. That's why they buy the Wall Street Journal—to keep abreast of the various maneuverings and machinations of the rabble, as described by columnists who are, frankly, also too well-off to go out into the dirty corners of the world to find out what the rabble is thinking.
Which 'Psycho' British Editor Is Driving His Staff to Collapse?
Hamilton Nolan · 10/06/11 03:15PMHank Williams Jr. Packs It In
Jim Newell · 10/06/11 02:57PM
Hank William Jr. has had it with the political correctness of the Hitler-ish ESPN sports television corporation. You will never hear his "Are you ready for some football" song on Monday Night Football ever again. He's refusing the to lend the economy his productive services, now, after being treated so badly for sharing his political views on Fox & Friends Monday morning. Either that, or he got fired.
White Boy Mugged, Finds Strange Poetry In It
Maureen O'Connor · 10/06/11 01:38PMFox News Hired Sarah Palin For Her Tits
John Cook · 10/05/11 10:58AMObsessed Media Track Whereabouts of Amanda Knox's Airplane
Maureen O'Connor · 10/04/11 04:27PMThe iPhone 5 Failboard: How Everyone Got It Wrong
Ryan Tate · 10/04/11 04:25PMIntrepid Reporter Climbs Hill, Unbuttons Shirt, Gazes Into Distance
Hamilton Nolan · 10/04/11 02:19PMCops to Pay Amy Goodman $100K for Wrongfully Arresting Her
Hamilton Nolan · 10/03/11 04:35PMHere's a video of normal-sized middle-aged female journalist Amy Goodman being arrested by multiple hulking stick-wielding riot police dressed in full body armor at the Republican National Convention in 2008. Sometimes you just have to laugh at the police state. Hey guys, are there enough of you there, you think? What if she scratches your eyeballs?!
Daily Mail Publishes Wrong Knox Verdict
Maureen O'Connor · 10/03/11 04:20PMNewsBeast Retracts False Quote of Pelosi Slamming Obama Advisers
Jim Newell · 10/03/11 04:14PMHow Univision Tried to Blackmail Marco Rubio
John Cook · 10/03/11 03:40PMHuffPo Adds Four New Insipid Sections
Hamilton Nolan · 10/03/11 01:59PMThe New York Times Has Not Solved Its Columnist Problem
Hamilton Nolan · 10/03/11 12:41PMMuppet Slavedriver Named Head of NPR
Seth Abramovitch · 10/02/11 10:29PM
You can't spell "NPR" without "PR," as in "disaster," as in what that particular media organization had more than its share of in 2011. Former CEO Vivian Schiller resigned last March in the wake of the Juan Williams firing and James O'Keefe undercover video fiascos. Now that position has been filled by Gary Knell, a Sesame Street producer and CEO of Sesame Workshop, who'll use his hands-on experience in cookie budgeting and grouch negotiations to move NPR past the bumpiest period in its history to where the air is sweet.
Bank of America Accuses NYT Reporter of 'Soliciting Customers'
Lauri Apple · 10/01/11 12:21PM
With falling stock prices, debit-card users flipping out about the company's plan to steal $5 from them every month, and a brand-new lawsuit on their hot little hands, the devil worshipers at Bank of America aren't too thrilled about reporters talking to their customers right now. But journalists must report on the news, and so the Arkansas correspondent for the New York Times stopped by a branch in Fayetteville to get some customer feedback on the bank's latest thieving scheme. B of A did not appreciate that very much.
Anderson Cooper's Daytime Disaster
John Cook · 10/01/11 11:58AM
It's just three weeks into Anderson Cooper's new daytime adventure, and the show has already devolved into the sort of unscrupulous talk-show tactics that Cooper's prime-time newsman personality would turn up his nose at: A teenager is in a coma after one of Anderson's producers encouraged him to record his reckless behavior for a show on the "teenage mind."
Fox News' Fake Democrat Attends Secret Right-Wing Cabal
John Cook · 09/30/11 04:43PM
Not that you needed any proof that Doug Schoen, the angry white pollster who plays the role of "Democrat" stool pigeon in the Fox News' political soap opera, is actually revanchist conservative just like the rest of them. But just in case: A tipster reports that Schoen will be briefing members of a notorious right-wing secret society on Monday. Because that's the sort of thing Democrats do, for fun.