Student Kills Self After Suspension Over Legal Drug
Max Read · 02/20/11 09:39PM
Let's check in on America's public school systems and see how we're preparing our youth of today for the challenges of tomorrow! In Fairfax County, Va., The Washington Post reports, a 15-year-old "model student" and linebacker, Nick Stuban, was suspended and banned from school property for seven weeks for buying a capsule of the legal "marijuana-like" synthetic compound JWH-108. He was then reassigned to a different high school; a month later, he killed himself.
A Tour of Lindsay Lohan's Seaside Rehab Clinic
Maureen O'Connor · 07/30/10 02:07PMAvatards Are the New Twihards: How to Tell If You or a Loved One Is at Risk
Maureen O'Connor · 01/07/10 04:21AMRepublican Politician Bravely Stands Up For Internet Crazies
Hamilton Nolan · 11/13/08 11:34AM
For crazy people convinced that secret government agents are stalking them with electromagnetic mind control devices, the invention of the internet was a great thing. It allowed them to form like-minded online communities of government mind control victims. It also made them even more convinced that their oppression was real, since they found so many other clinically insane people out there who told the same stories. The whole thing is actually very tragic! This far-flung group of paranoid psychosis-ridden conspiracy theorists bent on evading imaginary government spies has, however, found one staunch ally: a Republican elected official. Naturally: