We Are All Allergic to This City
Jesse · 04/18/06 09:19AM
Turns out it's not just us. amNew York reports today on a study showing that New York has risen to be the 11th worst city in the country for allergy suffers, up from 88th last year. Worse, because of what some allergy guru is describing as a mild winter (are we the only ones who remember a blizzard or two?), allergy season has started earlier than ever this year. The good news — in so many ways — is that you don't live in Hartford, apparently the worst allergy city in the country. And also this, a helpful tip from Gawker: Claritin continues to work wonders, and Duane Reade- or Rite Aid- or CVS-brand Loratadine works every bit as well for a fraction of the money. Which reminds us we really need to go take one, so our hands stop itching.