Daily Gawker Stalker: Colin Farrell Thanks You for Smoking
Jessica · 04/11/06 09:15AMTo-Do: Rosenbach, Ibsen, or Israeli-Palestinian Fun
Jessica · 04/10/06 02:00PM• The only thing hipper than a graphic novel right now is a graphic novel come to life, complete with a musical score. Try on the new black with the Rosenbach Company, tonight at Joe's Pub. [flavorpill]
• Two-for-one Ibsen: MoMA screens A Doll's House and Nora Helmer, two film takes on the gold standard in Norwegian tragic theater. If you're going to be bored, might as well be bored on a budget. [Paper]
• Looking for some care-free Monday fun? Check out "Divining the Tea Leaves: A Post Elections Analysis of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict" tonight at the New School. Next week: Tarot cards tackle Iraq. [Upcoming]
'Post' Reveals Shocking Numbers on New Yorkers' Mental Anguish
Jesse · 04/10/06 08:59AMGawker Stalker: Gwyneth Paltrow is Thiiiiis Close to Popping Out [insert idiotic baby name here]
Jessica · 04/07/06 04:35PMTo-Do, This Weekend: Friends with Money, Lake Trout, or Freedom Festival
Jessica · 04/07/06 02:00PMFriday
• Jennifer Aniston finally vindicates herself (without the use of a bloated boyfriend) in Friends with Money, opening today. We hear it's good. No, really. [flavorpill]
• Jack White's other band, the Raconteurs, hits up Irving Plaza tonight. Go and scream at 'em to play "Seven Nation Army." Bet they'll love that. [Paper
• Art is all around us, as the Brooklyn Poster Show proves by making an exhibit out of rock posters. Also, there are free drinks. We buried the lede. [Paper]
• The Bowery Ballroom presents Lake Trout with the Harlem Shakes. Neither are edible, alas. [flavorpill]
• It's time for the Freedom Festival, where undiscovered bands fight the man and rally against the music industry's corruption. Or so they do until they get a record deal. [Upcoming]
George Clooney Stalker Contest Winner!
Jessica · 04/07/06 09:37AM
When George Clooney suggested that publicists sabotage Gawker Stalker by flooding our inbox with fakes, we knew it was just a cry for attention. So we launched a contest: The first person to send us a camphone pic of Clooney, who's currently in town filming Michael Clayton (plug!), wins Ocean's 11 and Ocean's 12 on DVD (double plug!). It took a week, but we finally have a winner! From his strategically located third floor apartment, reader Peter Crosta photographed Clooney at work yesterday on West 106th between Riverside Drive and West End Avenue. Congrats, Peter — you are about to own two very rare and expensive DVDs.
Daily Gawker Stalker: Heath Ledger Fakes a Smile!
Jessica · 04/06/06 05:45PMJewish Menace Infests Soho: Why?
Jesse · 04/06/06 03:26PM
High on the list of email subject lines that make us very nervous — up there with "I got the test results back" and "Mediabistro invites you to an EXCLUSIVE cocktail party!" — is one that arrived in our inbox early this afternoon: "What's with all the Jews?" (As we understand it, that was a popular forward in the Weimar Republic.) As it happens, though, today's correspondent was actually posing an interesting question:
To Do: Quality of Life, Neko Case, or Matthew Barney
Jessica · 04/06/06 01:29PM• Quality of Life is the #1 underground film according to MySpace. Seriously, do you need another reason?[Paper]
• Tomorrow night's Neko Case show is all sold out, but you can still hop on the bandwagon for tonight. That would techinically make you ahead of the curve. [BB]
• The Occidental Guest is a mixed-media display of the sort of post-post-post-craziness one has come to expect from artist Matthew Barney. Go for the inscrutable intellectualizing, stay for the probable Bjork sighting. [flavorpill]
First Rule of Urban Journalism: White People Do Not Riot
Jesse · 04/05/06 05:05PM
The president of the Black Student Union when we were in college, a native of Southern California, used to comment that in Los Angeles, "When white people do it, it's a melee; when black people do it, it's a riot." We were reminded of that aphorism today by Jewblogger Steven I. Weiss, who looked at local press coverage of a, um, disturbance in Brooklyn last night.
Daily Gawker Stalker: George Clooney Still Running Free
Jessica · 04/05/06 04:50PMTo-Do: The Whigs, Varsity Letters, or A Road Map of the Soul
Jessica · 04/05/06 02:15PM• The Whigs, Rolling Stone's latest darlings, trek all the way from Athens, GA to play at Pianos tonight. Catch them now, while they're still unsigned and unspoiled and still excited to play at fucking Pianos. [Pianos]
•'s Dan Shanoff leaves the satellite television just long enough to host the first-ever Varsity Letters reading, where sports writers share those very important life lessons they learned during the big game. See what happens when jocks learn to type tonight at Happy Ending. [Varsity Letters]
• A Road Map of the Soul, a festival of Krzysztof Kieslowski's films, will teach you everything about moral dilemmas and the human condition, but it won't teach you how to say his name. Some things are better left secret. [flavorpill]
Springtime in New York
Jesse · 04/05/06 11:42AMAn Easter Miracle: Creme Eggs Spotted in Manhattan!
Jesse · 04/05/06 10:17AM
Yesterday we posted a plaintive query from a frustrated reader: Why couldn't he find the "creamy, sweet bliss" of Cadbury Creme Eggs anywhere in Manhattan? Many of you immediately identified with his plight, but some of you also dismissed it. Who was right, we wondered? Are there eggs, or are there no eggs? We had no idea. Then last night, finally, came photographic proof. This is Duane Reade at 73rd and Third, at 9:30 p.m. There are eggs! Yay!
Classic Gawker Stalker: Natalie Portman, Potty Mouth and a Bad Tipper
Jessica · 04/04/06 03:38PMSightings are sent in by readers and then posted to our Gawker Stalker Maps, where they are then available for any deranged fans who are otherwise hiding in the bushes outside their beloved's apartment building. This is our occasional, old-school compilation of some of our favorites. Send your sightings to
To-Do: Guy Noir, Art Brut, or Ben Ehrenreich
Jessica · 04/04/06 02:00PM• A ballet inspired by yoga and NPR: it really can't get yuppier than the James Sewell Ballet's "Guy Noir." Stroke your inner Bobo tonight at the Joyce Theater. [flavorpill]
• Down on Hipster Lane, Bowery Ballroom hosts Art Brut with The Ponys and Bling Kong. Show your Pitchfork Media card at the door and enjoy free attitude all night! [WUNY]
• The Suitors, the debut novel from Ben Ehrenreich (son of Barbara), is earning young Mister Fancypants comparisons to Jonathan Safran Foer. Shower him with pellets of jealousy at the Astor Place Barnes & Noble. [Paper]