
Dutch Report: MH17 Was Shot Down by "High-Energy Objects"

Aleksander Chan · 09/09/14 07:18AM

According to a preliminary report released by the Dutch Safety Board Tuesday, Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17 was hit with "high-energy objects from outside the aircraft" that caused the plane to break apart mid-air and crash in eastern Ukraine, leaving 298 people dead. The report all but confirms the widely-held suspicion that MH17 was shot down using a surface-to-air missile that detonates without actually striking its target, instead spraying shrapnel.

U.S. Officials: Images Prove Russia Fired Into Ukraine

Allie Jones · 07/28/14 07:23AM

In the wake of the MH17 crash, U.S. intelligence officials have been building their case that Russia and the pro-Russian rebels in Ukraine have been working together during the Ukrainian conflict. On Sunday, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence released overhead images taken last week as evidence that the Russian military has fired into Ukraine.

Everybody Misreads an AP Tweet, Responds by Getting Super-Pissed at AP

Adam Weinstein · 07/23/14 09:50AM

The Associated Press Twitter account is a must-follow for breaking-news junkies. It's also a great guide to the many ways you can fuck up breaking news. Like when it reported the status this morning of an aircraft carrying the bodies of MH17 victims back to Holland:

Did Russian Officials Edit Wikipedia to Back Up a Bogus MH17 Theory?

Adam Weinstein · 07/22/14 01:57PM

Russian defense officials Monday argued that a Ukrainian warplane was near Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 and may have been responsible for the commercial jet's deadly shootdown. And when the physics seemed to dispute that theory, Russian officials appear to have changed the physics—on Wikipedia, at least.

Separatists in Ukraine Turn Over MH17 Black Boxes, Bodies

Aleksander Chan · 07/21/14 08:18PM

Pro-Russian separatists that had taken over the crash site of Malaysia Airlines flight MH 17 in eastern Ukraine have turned over the plane's recording boxes, Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak announced Monday. The militants have also reportedly sent the bodies recovered from the site on trains to Kharkiv, a city controlled by the Ukrainian government, where six Malaysian representatives were on hand to oversee the transfer of the bodies to Dutch authorities, among others.

Ron Paul's MH17 Theories Are Crazy Even for Ron Paul

Adam Weinstein · 07/21/14 04:48PM

If Ron Paul never runs for president again, he can always get an anchor gig on RT. The patriotic American's latest "Texas Straight Talk" column is a Putin paean to all the ways in which the downing of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 was America's fault.

Dutch Officials Manage to Inspect Some Bodies at MH17 Crash Site

Allie Jones · 07/21/14 08:35AM

Armed, pro-Russian rebels continued to block access to the Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 crash site in eastern Ukraine over the weekend, but the BBC reports that three Dutch investigators were able to inspect bodies found at the site today. Their findings haven't been released, but they said the rebel-controlled train holding the bodies may soon leave the rebel-held town of Torez.

U.S.: Russia Responsible for Downing of Malaysia Airlines Plane

Aleksander Chan · 07/20/14 10:35PM

Secretary of State John Kerry made the Sunday morning news show rounds to outline the United States' case—citing American and Ukrainian intelligence reports and social media that "obviously points a very clear finger at the [pro-Russian] separatists"—that Russia was responsible for the attack that brought down Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17, killing 298 people.

Audio Links Controversial Pro-Russian Cossack Leader to MH17 Attack

Adam Weinstein · 07/18/14 12:50PM

"There are a lot of corpses of women and children," the rebel commander said. "It has a Malaysia Airlines logo on it, they say." He seemed to seek advice. "That means it was carrying spies," came the response. "[Expletive] them, got it?" So spoke one of the most influential and well-connected Cossacks in Russia.