In the wake of the MH17 crash, U.S. intelligence officials have been building their case that Russia and the pro-Russian rebels in Ukraine have been working together during the Ukrainian conflict. On Sunday, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence released overhead images taken last week as evidence that the Russian military has fired into Ukraine.

ODNI says the images, taken between last Wednesday and Saturday, "provide evidence that Russian forces have fired across the border at Ukrainian military forces, and that Russia-backed separatists have used heavy artillery, provided by Russia, in attacks on Ukrainian forces from inside Ukraine." The image below, according to ABC News, shows "ground scarring at multiple rocket launch sites on the Russian side of the border oriented in the direction of Ukraine military units within Ukraine."

You can find more of ODNI's evidence that Russia has been firing into Ukraine here.

Russian officials haven't directly responded to this new evidence. On Sunday, a Defense Ministry spokesman engaged in a little trash talk with the U.S. Per The Washington Post:

A Russian Defense Ministry spokesman, Maj. Gen. Igor Konashenkov, charged ... that the United States is getting most of its intelligence data on the Russian military from social media and suggested it turn to more "trustworthy" information ...

Burn. Meanwhile, the violence in Ukraine is only getting worse. According to the Associated Press, an international police force was forced to abandon its visit to the MH17 crash site this weekend because the shelling was too intense.

The U.N. reports that over 1,100 people have died in the conflict in the last four months.

[Images via AP, ODNI via ABC News]