
Meghan Asha's family friend: Arrington was "certainly a lapse in judgment"

Nicholas Carlson · 03/03/08 04:40PM

Silicon Valley heiress Meghan Asha, the daughter of an original investor in Sun Microsystems, needs to stop fraternizing with the plebes, a longtime family friend warns. "Her choices in friendships, recent or otherwise, aren't serving her well," this friend writes, singling out ex-boyfriend Michael Arrington — "an unattractive offering" — and fellow geek addict Julia Allison:

Michael Arrington places Jimmy Wales on suicide watch

Owen Thomas · 03/03/08 01:00PM

Michael Arrington, a fragile soul, imagines the rest of the Valley is as weak-willed as he is. Without mentioning Jimmy Wales by name, Arrington distraughtly lays out his fears that Valleywag will drive him to kill himself. How little you know, Michael. For Wales, Valleywag induces not the big death but the little one. In his sex chats with Rachel Marsden, Wales fantasized about taking the Canadian TV commentator to a public event like this spring's Time 100 party, and wondered why Valleywag hadn't previously outed him. The transcripts, below:

Swingin' single Michael Arrington gets a date — sort of

Jordan Golson · 03/03/08 06:33AM

We learned a lot about TechCrunch's Michael Arrington yesterday. Writing about his 23andMe genetics profile, we now know he is quite tall, has a lower than normal chance of getting Type II diabetes and has wet earwax. Lovely. We also know that Michael Arrington is single, something he blames us for. Sorry, buddy. But, things could be looking brighter! Arrington got an unusual proposition in the comments on his post: "I am not interested just in your DNA results. you seem fairly successful, may I have your DNA? (looking for a donor)." His answer:

Why TED Sucks

Nick Douglas · 03/02/08 04:03PM

TED is the Bono of conferences. (Except Bono wasn't even on this year's guest list.) The Technology Entertainment Design conference is so bold-name, so visionary that you have to like it, which is why you can so easily hate it. But in 2006, the conference awarded its annual $100,000 prize to a man named Larry Brilliant who's heading up Google's non-profit arm, and how do you top that? This year, B-list tech press have rejected the conference they were never invited to. But they really do have a point:

Arrington blames us for his latest breakup

Nicholas Carlson · 02/29/08 12:30PM

Michael Arrington sat for an interview with Portfolio and they hit on all the important topics: Silicon Valley's "pirate" entrepreneurs, venture capital's relationship with the stock market, and of course, Arrington's love life. The nonboring bits:

Cameron Diaz, Arianna Huffington, and the 1,196 other TED attendees Michael Arrington hates

Owen Thomas · 02/28/08 08:38PM

TED, the schmoozeathon taking place in Monterey right now, prides itself on staying exclusive and bringing together only the best of Silicon Valley, Hollywood, and Manhattan. TechCrunch editor Michael Arrington is deeply unhappy that he's not invited. So much so that he staged a falling-out with Frenchepreneur Loic Le Meur, a gloating TED attendee. But he's really going to boil when he reads this: The complete list of TED's 1,198 attendees, each of whom he is now personally committed to hate. Arrington's new enemies list includes Al Gore, Amy Tan, Arianna Huffington, Ben Affleck, Cameron Diaz, Forest Whitaker, Isaac Mizrahi, Jeff Bezos, John Cusack, Maria Bartiromo, Marissa Mayer, Max Levchin, Meg Ryan, Peter Thiel, Roger McNamee, Si Newhouse IV, Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, Steve Case, Steve Wozniak, Thomas Dolby, Tim O'Reilly, and Will Smith. The rest are here.

Arrington and French pal in Twitter snit over TED

Jordan Golson · 02/28/08 06:53PM

TechCrunch's Michael Arrington and Frenchman Loic Le Meur got into a 140-character Twitter war this afternoon. The topic? The TED conference and French military history. Arrington said TED is lame because he wasn't given a free pass: "I defame anything cool that ignores me, until it stops doing so. it's worked so far." Loic defended the conference: "TED is the best conference... Pay your tickets it's worth it!" Arrington and Loic then claim to "remove" each other from their friends lists and Arrington made some tired jokes about France's inability to win a war.

Asha already moving on, planning to get geeks gone wild in Miami

Nicholas Carlson · 02/25/08 07:00PM

Michael Arrington and Meghan Asha aren't on-again, off-again anymore. Sources with intimate knowledge of the situation tell Valleywag that it's unambiguously over. We're confident a man with Arrington's prospects will have no problem moving on. Asha, it seems, already has.

Michael Arrington is single

Nicholas Carlson · 02/25/08 01:20PM

Four eager tipsters inform us that TechCrunch editor Michael Arrington is once again single. We hope this doesn't mean it's completely over between Arrington and his on-again, off-again fling, Meghan Asha. But if it does, we just hope Arrington has learned his lesson. Next Valentine's, Michael, send flowers. Then, late February next year, maybe you won't still be looking for "a relationship" and "dating," as your profile indicates.

Meghan Asha plays with toys not named Arrington

Nicholas Carlson · 02/21/08 06:00PM

Meghan Asha — the SIlicon Valley heiress who keeps TechCrunch's Michael Arrington as her on-again, off-again boy toy — found a new dog to play with at yesterday's toy fair in New York. Improvements over Arrington: He can't talk, but he can wag his tail."Do you want a date?" Asha asks. "Do you want to come home with me? I would take really good care of you." Below, in another clip, Asha in a lurid threesome.

Happy birthday, Julia Allison, we're finding a new man for you

Nicholas Carlson · 02/20/08 01:30PM

Geek-loving cover girl Julia Allison turns 27 soon and all she wants — other than a MacBook Air and whole long list of stuff — is a boy, "tied with a red bow, like a new car for graduation." Knowing Julia's taste for geeks like Kevin Rose and some guy who used to run some video site, we figured: Who better to help Julia land a new man than Valleywag readers? So help her out and vote in our latest poll.

TechCrunch fails to hire Uncov editor

Paul Boutin · 02/11/08 03:58PM

Give Michael Arrington credit: He tried to hire his worst best critic, Uncov editor Ted Dziuba, who spent several months shadowing TechCrunch posts with scathing, technically astute slams of Web 2.0 startups and their products. Arrington's offer sounds pretty sweet: "write a weekly or monthly column for us. we'll call it a counter balance to our hype. No rules or restrictions on what you write," was Arrington's email, according to Dziuba. But from what I know of Ted, he has two reasons not to take the offer.

Meghan Asha's party plane

Nicholas Carlson · 02/07/08 05:00PM

Videoblogger Meghan Asha, who pals around with TechCrunch's Michael Arrington from time to time, comes from a wealthy Los Gatos family, we hear. The evidence? She flies around the country in a private plane. Here's what that party venue in the sky looks like. That's Asha between fellow geek-luster Julia Allison and comedian Demetri Martin. A tight squeeze.