Team Bachmann Has Sarah Palin in Its Sights
Jim Newell · 06/08/11 12:40PM
It looks like Rep. Michele Bachmann will be running for president, unless you hire a renowned campaign manager and plan a major rally in the Iowa town where you were born just to get a cruel laugh out of it. We shouldn't rule that out. But she seems ready to run, capable of doing well in Iowa, and willing to have her good friend and possible Iowa competitor Sarah Palin trashed through surrogates.
Gossipy Presidential Campaign Books May Scare Michele Bachmann Away
Jim Newell · 05/19/11 01:55PM
No book has scared away more possible presidential candidates this cycle than Mark Halperin and John Heilemann's Game Change, the definitive "horse race" account of the 2008 presidential race that focuses on making every relevant politician's family life look like utter shit. Haley Barbour and John Thune have already bypassed runs this year largely on account of their spouses wanting no part of the gossip industries that would coalesce around them, and Mitch Daniels is still weighing his decision for similar reasons. But are these pulp novels giving Rep. Michele Bachmann some hesitancy, too?
Who Will Stand With Michele Bachmann to Save Potatoes?
Jim Newell · 05/17/11 02:26PM
The federal government is working on new nutrition regulations for federally subsidized school lunch programs, meaning certain food industries will be waging all-out fights to protect their streams of revenue. This is not surprising in any way! Unfortunately, there's nothing in the Constitution protecting the potato industry's right to federal money, as Michele Bachmann wants the fight to be framed.
Michele Bachmann Has Priced Her Presidential Run
Jim Newell · 05/13/11 05:14PM
So, Michele Bachmann... she is probably just pretending to consider a run for president in order to raise PAC money? But maybe she's serious? We haven't conclusively determined where Bachmann's potential candidacy lands on the fake/real spectrum. But the murmurs are certainly helping her raise cash. And now she's introduced a tiered donation system in her latest email solicitation: $25 bucks for another House run, $50 "or $100" for a presidential run. Checkbooks out, chop chop!
Jon Stewart Grades the 2012 Republican Presidential Candidates
Matt Cherette · 04/12/11 10:46PMMichele Bachmann Only Needs One Presidential Term to Save America
Maureen O'Connor · 04/11/11 04:29PMJon Stewart Mocks the Desperate Strategies of Probable Republican Candidates
Matt Cherette · 03/30/11 10:24PMOn tonight's Daily Show, Jon Stewart—during an "Indecision 2012" segment—opened with discussion of potential Republican presidential candidates for 2012 and the need for them to desperately appeal to what amounts to a pretty ridiculous base of voters.
Michele Bachmann Inching Closer to a Presidential Run?
Jim Newell · 03/24/11 11:11AM
The news this morning from delightfully nuts Rep. Michele Bachmann's part of the world is that she'll form an presidential exploratory committee by June! That's according to, uh, one anonymous source "close to the congresswoman," at CNN.com. Let's hope that it's true, and that the anonymous source is just Bachmann herself wearing a Richard Nixon mask and speaking through fan blades.
Michele Bachmann Doesn't Know Much About History
Jeff Neumann · 03/12/11 04:26PMMichele Bachmann Thinks the Rent Is 2 Damn High
Maureen O'Connor · 02/11/11 06:12PM
Here's a picture of Tea Party queen Michele Bachmann and perennial "Rent Is 2 Damn High" candidate Jimmy McMillan at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in Washington today. The photo appeared in a Bachmann staffer's Facebook feed today. Details of what the two discussed did not. Alas.
Michele Bachmann On China's President: 'Hu's Your Daddy'
Jim Newell · 02/10/11 12:48PMIt's an exciting day for the conservative movement! Perhaps even the most exciting day of the year, right up there with Guy Fawkes Day. The 10,000-attendee Conservative Political Action Conference kicked off this morning in Washington, and it will run through Saturday. It's the Republican party's most important gathering every year, and it's especially vital in years, like this one, when there's a large crop of potential presidential candidates to size up.
Bill Maher Captions Michele Bachmann's State of the Union Response
Matt Cherette · 01/29/11 09:40AMMeghan McCain Is Right About Something
Jim Newell · 01/27/11 03:38PMWatch Jon Stewart's Humorous Take on the State of the Union
Matt Cherette · 01/26/11 11:23PMTonight, Jon Stewart opened with his analysis of last night's State of the Union Address by President Obama—and he delivered. Inside, watch three highlights from Stewart's segment, about our "Sputnik moment," audience member Kathy Proctor, and Michele Bachmann.