Michele Bachmann Has Priced Her Presidential Run

So, Michele Bachmann... she is probably just pretending to consider a run for president in order to raise PAC money? But maybe she's serious? We haven't conclusively determined where Bachmann's potential candidacy lands on the fake/real spectrum. But the murmurs are certainly helping her raise cash. And now she's introduced a tiered donation system in her latest email solicitation: $25 bucks for another House run, $50 "or $100" for a presidential run. Checkbooks out, chop chop!
Here's how the congresswoman laid out her latest, most innovative grifter scheme in an email to supporters:
If you want me to continue fighting the Big-Government Obama agenda in the U.S. House of Representatives, please make a generous donation of $25. If you want me to seek the presidency, please make a donation of $50 or even $100 to let me know I can count on you.
The obvious question: If you give her $50 or $100, and then she decides to run for the House, around when should one expect the fucking refund check to arrive? There would be a refund in order, yes? But that's the beauty of it — there wouldn't be any refund ever! God, we love wingnut fundraising schemes.
[Image via AP]