
Rachel Maddow Explains Birth Control to Mitt Romney

Matt Cherette · 10/21/11 02:42AM

In a recent Huckabee appearance, Mitt Romney said he'd "absolutely" support a constitutional amendment defining conception as the beginning of life. In addition to outlawing abortion, such an amendment could ban many forms of birth control, a fact Romney was seemingly unaware of when pressed on his position during a campaign event on Thursday. So tonight, armed with beer and female anatomy diagrams, Rachel Maddow invited Romney to her "Man Cave" for a crash course in how babies are made.

Mitt Romney Will Physically Explode Any Moment Now

Jim Newell · 10/19/11 01:48PM

So last night: greatest debate ever, right? The vicious babies on stage, God bless , were so busy sniping at each other about who had more Mexicans in their front yards that Anderson Cooper barely had any time to make the cheesy situational jokes that is CNN's calling card. Hoo boy, what a madcap muckfest. Then again, we're kind of worried about Mitt Romney, whose head and a good chunk of his upper torso will soon disappear in a horrific explosion.

Mitt Romney and Rick Perry Go At It in GOP Debate

Max Read · 10/18/11 08:05PM

What's going on with Rick Perry and Mitt Romney? Perry—who more or less slept through his first GOP debates—aggressively jumped on frontrunner Romney in Las Vegas on Tuesday night, earning an enthusiastic response from Romney, who gently touched Perry and attempted to teach the Texas governor the rules. Of the debate. You can smell the testiness! All the drama, and tension, of two coked-up frat brothers arguing about politics at 6 a.m.! And poor Anderson Cooper, the supposed moderator, just sitting there there on the sidelines.

The Single Largest Benefactor of Occupy Wall Street Is a Mitt Romney Donor

Max Read · 10/17/11 09:02PM

Meet Robert Halper, a retired trader and former vice chairman of the New York Mercantile Exchange. Like a lot of wealthy Wall Street-connected 52-year-olds, Halper gave the maximum contribution of $2,500 to Mitt Romney's presidential campaign. But this guy also wrote a $20,000 check to help launch Occupy Wall Street.

How in the World Is Herman Cain on Top?

Jim Newell · 10/12/11 03:40PM

Yet another poll confirming Herman Cain's rise to the top of the presidential candidate pyramid has come out today. Public Policy Polling finds him securing 30% of the national primary vote in its monthly poll, a 22 percentage point gain from last month. What is going on here?

Jon Stewart Examines the Problem of Mitt Romney's Ever-Evolving Positions

Matt Cherette · 10/04/11 10:57PM

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie's confirmation today that he would not seek the 2012 Republican presidential nomination was a relief to Mitt Romney, who stood to lose out most if Christie entered the race. But as Jon Stewart explained on tonight's Daily Show, Romney's history of switching positions on key issues stands in his way more than a fat guy from Jersey ever could: "Mitt Romney has a bit of a problem... to win the Republican nomination, he has to convince Republican voters he's not actually Mitt Romney."

Rick Perry Is in Cahoots With the Mexicans

Jim Newell · 09/30/11 12:21PM

Mitt Romney is still pretending to be an immigration hawk for the purposes of destroying Rick Perry, who as Texas governor signed a law offering in-state tuition to children of illegal immigrants.

Watch Alec Baldwin Play a Bumbling Rick Perry on SNL

Matt Cherette · 09/25/11 01:52AM

Saturday Night Live opened its 37th season tonight with a parody of Thursday's Fox News/Google Republican presidential debate. Despite being too long and wrought with cliche—Newt Gingrich has a huge head! Michele Bachmann's eyes are crazy!—the sketch managed to work thanks to Bill Hader as debate moderator Shep Smith and Alec Baldwin as the same confused, babbling version of Rick Perry that showed up to the real thing. A video of highlights is above; the full sketch is viewable here.

Herman Cain Wins Florida Straw Poll

Lauri Apple · 09/24/11 06:11PM

President of Pizza and Pokemon Herman Cain won today's straw poll of Florida GOP activists, receiving 37 percent of the votes cast. That's 22 more percentage points than second-place finisher Rick Perry received. For his prize, Cain got to ban a mosque.

Tim Pawlenty Declares His Love for Mitt Romney

Jim Newell · 09/12/11 11:16AM

Failed presidential candidate Tim Pawlenty took to Fox News' innumerate dementia variety hour, Fox & Friends, this morning, to make some hot news: He's endorsing Mitt Romney — for president, of all things! And Mittens, in return, is naming TPAW one of his national co-chairmen. What else? Will they spend long weekends in the Poconos together, too?