
Mitt Romney and How Obama Made the Recession 'Worse'

Jim Newell · 07/01/11 03:04PM

Oh good heavens, it looks like we've got some trouble in Mittens Land. The presidential candidate formerly known as Willard Romney has been yapping to anyone who'll listen that President Obama made the recession "worse" since coming into office. This is a defensible line under the loose standards of Republican primary campaign rhetoric; he could argue that Obama's policies on net hampered what would've been a quicker recovery. Could. So is this a line that he egregiously lied about ever saying yesterday? It's tricky!

How Much Is 'Struggling Guy' In Mitt Romney's Ad Really Struggling?

Jim Newell · 06/24/11 03:44PM

The Mitt Romney campaign released a web video this morning about young Ryan King, a recent college graduate from destitute Midland, Michigan, who drives around the local trash and destruction all day, just lookin' for a job. He has $3 and only eats bologna sandwiches. Why won't President Obama let him get a job? He is a failed leader.

Mitt Romney Struggles to Find Non-$100 Bill in Wallet

Jim Newell · 06/21/11 03:22PM

There are many great moments in the "Well-Meaning Mitt Romney Nevertheless Struggles to Interact with Human Beings" genre. But this latest one, involving a child craftsman, ranks right near the top — perhaps a notch or two below the infamous "Who Let the Dogs Out?" incident of Martin Luther King Jr. Day 2008. But maybe we shouldn't get ahead of ourselves.

Mitt Romney Admitting that Iowans Hate Him

Max Read · 06/09/11 09:37PM

In 2008, presidential candidate Mitt Romney spent $2.5 million to buy a win at the Iowa straw poll (an August event that "is one of the landmark events of the nominating contest"), and then, hilariously, lost the caucuses a few months later, because he doesn't love fetuses enough and may have once seen two men kissing. So, this time around, he's just going to skip the stupid poll! This lessens his chances of winning in Iowa, but it helps Romney position himself as a pragmatic business-golfer-pleated-pants type who will create jobs, rather than a bible-thumping-intense-gaze type who will ban MTV, or whatever Republicans are into these days. Good luck creating jobs while buying into the liberal conspiracy known as "global warming," Mitt! [WSJ; image via AP]

Mitt Romney in Big Trouble for Talkin' Science

Jim Newell · 06/09/11 11:27AM

Mitt Romney was a bad Republican last week. We'll tell you what he did, but first, send your children into the other room. Ready? He gave a big old bear hug to Science, by casually acknowledging that climate change may exist and humans may play some role in that. This is a calamitous "gaffe," and now everyone else in the GOP is trying to destroy him anew.

Mitt Romney Shares Leftover Pizza Scraps With Obama Campaign

Jim Newell · 05/27/11 10:51AM

Willard "Mittens" Romney is nothing if not America's most generous and dedicated philanthropist, always searching for the newest health research institutes, arts centers, and presidential campaigns for himself to dump all of his old Pratt-Romney family fortune into. Actually, we have no idea if he's a philanthropist. But he did send some leftover pizza to the Obama Campaign yesterday, so that's something, right?

Which of the Three 'Serious' GOP Presidential Candidates Will You Vote for?

Jim Newell · 05/23/11 12:18PM

No one wants to run for president anymore, can you believe it? Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels decided not to run over the weekend, following the exits of Mike Huckabee, Donald Trump, Haley Barbour, and some other people. This means, according to our news media, that there are only three "serious" — as in, capable of beating Barack Obama — Republican candidates remaining. Let's briefly discuss them so you can make your pick, right here and now!

Mitt Romney Only Wants to Hang Barack Obama Metaphorically

Max Read · 04/30/11 02:43PM

This is a video of Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney telling an audience in New Hampshire on Wednesday that Republicans are "going to hang" Barack Obama—and then immediately catching himself. So you see: Romney only wants to hang Obama metaphorically. Which is, sad to say, a good thing, insofar as it's uhm, nice (?) to see a prominent Republican use racially problematic language by mistake, and not in a deliberate, cynical pandering strategy. And he actually seemed pretty embarrassed! Mitt Romney 2012: Not a Completely Cynical Scumbag. [via TPM]

Who's Showing Up at Next Week's Republican Debate?

Jim Newell · 04/28/11 01:44PM

The first debate of the 2012 Republican presidential primary season is on May 5. That's but one se'en-day away! Fox News is sponsoring, live from South Carolina. The setting has all the trappings of a lively Republican political discussion about our nation's future. But as of now, only a handful of potential candidates plan on showing. What's up with all the other losers?

Stephen Colbert Comes to Mitt Romney's Defense Over 'Peacetime Gaffe'

Matt Cherette · 04/26/11 11:09PM

On tonight's Report—after poking fun at Haley Barbour's pre-entrance exit from the 2012 presidential race—Stephen Colbert defended candidate Mitt Romney against charges that he'd gaffed by suggesting America was in a "peacetime" state. Among other things, Colbert explained, "Congress never officially declared war on any of these countries, so technically, Romney is right—our soldiers are just spending a semester abroad!"

Mitt Romney, Anti-Birther

Jim Newell · 04/13/11 11:23AM

Presidential candidate Mitt "Willard" Romney ceded tremendous ground to his main rival, pretend candidate and bloated carnival act Donald Trump, on CNBC yesterday, telling Larry Kudlow that he is not a Birther.

Mitt Romney Is In

Jim Newell · 04/11/11 03:33PM

You guys won't believe this, but Willard "Mitt" Romney is running for president! Not that he ever really stopped. But consider today's launch of a presidential exploratory committee an official reboot of the popular plastic Mittens brand.