
The Real Issue Is That Binders Are Fucking Terrible

Drew Magary · 10/17/12 01:40PM

I'd like to thank presidential candidate Mitt Romney for taking a moment last night to raise binder awareness. But while most of the Internet is occupied today with the women Mitt is putting in those binders and how those women got into his binders to begin with, I think we need to step back for a moment and talk about a larger issue surrounding binders. And that is that they are fucking terrible.

'It Felt Like [Mitt Romney] Was Staring Into My Soul': The Post-Debate Musings of Jeremy Epstein

Robert Kessler · 10/17/12 11:50AM

America's newest sweetheart and undeniable debate-winner Jeremy Epstein joined Chuck Todd on MSNBC this morning to share his experience at last night's town hall debate. Epstein described the question selection process, explaining that each audience member submit four questions, and was given one back, but no one knew for certain they would be called upon.

Mitt Romney Had to Practice Sitting on a Bar Stool for This Debate

MTanzer · 10/16/12 08:44PM

The Presidential debate is already underway in Long Island, but news is trickling in via CNN that Mitt underwent intense training—like how to sit on a barstool. Mitt is, of course, a Mormon, so his experience in bars is limited. Therefore, his bar stool training does make sense—he wouldn't want to look robotic or unnatural, after all.

Robot-Human Charisma Wars: The Second Gawker 2012 Presidential Debate Liveblog

Hamilton Nolan · 10/16/12 07:50PM

For what seems like the second time in the last thirteen days, Barack Obama and Mitt Romney will stride on stage tonight and pretend, for a few moments, to not be sickened by one another's presence. Can Obama "recover" from his "poor performance" in the last debate? Can Romney convince "swing voters" that he is "more than a Mormon robot?" The estimable Mobutu Sese Seko and I will be live blogging this debate in order to, uh, help answer these questions, and to perform other vital unspecified pundit services.

Leaked Debate Agreement Shows Both Obama and Romney are Sniveling Cowards

John Cook · 10/15/12 04:30PM

Time's Mark Halperin has made himself useful for once by obtaining, and publishing, a copy of the 21-page memorandum of understanding that the Obama and Romney campaigns negotiated with the Commission on Presidential Debates establishing the rules governing this month's presidential and vice presidential face-offs. The upshot: Both campaigns are terrified at anything even remotely spontaneous happening.

Who's Predicting This Year's Post-Election Riots?

Mallory Ortberg · 10/14/12 04:52PM

A lot of people, it turns out. America's 236-year streak of successful, peaceful transitions of power from one administration to the next is about to be broken, because come Election Day 2012, no matter who wins, this country is going to break out into Riot City.

Another Recently Deported Jewish Rapper for Romney

Mallory Ortberg · 10/13/12 01:04PM

Barack Obama may be in serious danger of losing the vote of those who are unable to vote if he continues to alienate deported foreign-born felons at this rate. "I'd vote for [Mitt] Romney," Shyne announced in a recent interview with MTV News, adding that the President was "corny" and needed to "help the [J]ew out." Shyne was deported in 2009 after serving nearly a decade in prison for a nightclub shooting that injured three people.

Ohio Man at Romney Rally Has Terrible, Racist Taste in Shirts

Mallory Ortberg · 10/13/12 11:09AM

This shirt — "Put White Back in the White House" — was spotted at yesterday's Romney/Ryan campaign rally in Ohio. A member of Romney's campaign said it was "reprehensible," presumably referring to the massive cat hair on the back of the right shoulder. You're in public. Have a little self-respect. [via Buzzfeed, images via Getty]

Paul Ryan Doesn't Have Time to Explain a 20 Percent Tax Cut, But if He Did It Would Take 18 Seconds

Robert Kessler · 10/12/12 11:15AM

At last night's debate, Martha Raddatz asked Paul Ryan to specifically lay out how he and Mitt Romney intend to lower all Americans' tax rates by 20 percent. This tax cut has been a major part of the Romney/Ryan campaign, but both have been incredibly vague about how they can cut the nation's tax revenue without increasing its deficit. Paul Ryan famously told Fox News' Chris Wallace he "[didn't] have the [time]" because it "would take [him] too long to go through all of the math."

Bill O’Reilly Threw a Hissy Fit Over That AP Photo of Mitt Romney Bending Over

Kate Bennert · 10/10/12 03:20PM

Last night, Bill O'Reilly got fired up about this photo of Mitt Romney bending over in front of an astonished small child, which most of the internet already saw and appropriately captioned on Monday. After categorizing the photo as "suggestive" and borderline child abuse, O'Reilly called for the person responsible for distributing this photo to be fired. O'Reilly predicted that the AP would have issued an apology by today, though he is likely still waiting for the AP to personally apologize, kneel down and beg for forgiveness. (Or a job.)