
Founder of music startup Muxtape learns art of obfuscation from his master

Nicholas Carlson · 04/29/08 12:20PM

Interviewing Muxtape's Justin Ouellette for Listening Post, Eliot Van Buskirk asked "How many users are there at this point? How many muxtapes?" Ouellette's response — "more than the population of Germany, less than the population of Japan" — puts the number between 82 million and 127 million users. puts the number around 52,000. Ouellete might have been joking, but Van Buskirk published the numbers without comment. And remember, with Ouellete and his Muxtape partner Jakob Lodwick, whom Barry Diller fired from his post as founder of online-video site Vimeo, you can't judge what's actually going on based on what they say.

Barry Diller is paying Jakob Lodwick more than $100,000 a year to stay away from IAC employees

Nicholas Carlson · 04/14/08 06:40PM

We heard Jakob Lodwick may have broken his severance agreement with IAC's Connected Ventures when he poached Vimeo Web designer Justin Ouellette to help him start Muxtape, an online mix-tapes startup. How much could the gaffe cost the Connected Ventures cofounder? Reportedly, $100,000 a year through 2011. "What a mess," an IAC exec tells us. True, but mostly for Lodwick. IAC can hire more Web designers to replace the one Lodwick's entrepreneurial ventures have cost them so far. Diller's six-figure dole will be harder for Lodwick to replace.

Lodwick's Muxtape mess

Nicholas Carlson · 04/08/08 03:00PM

Jakob Lodwick, the fired founder of Vimeo who's now dabbling in online music, rushed out an announcement of his involvement with Muxtape, an online mix-tapes startup — shortly after we started asking questions. But in his attempt to spoil our scoop, Lodwick may have put the payout he got from Vimeo's parent company, IAC, at risk. We're told that part of Lodwick's severance package included a fairly typical agreement to not poach any of his former Connected Venture colleagues for future projects. But with Muxtape, that's just what Lodwick's done.

Lodwick's latest flame pitches Muxtape for him

Nicholas Carlson · 04/07/08 04:40PM

Meet Mareen Fischinger, a photographer from Düsseldorf, Germany, according to her Tumblr blog. "I don't know anything about her," a source tells us, "Just that Jakob [Lodwick] is [redacted] her." We have a little more to add to the scoop. Besides her obvious eye for photography, Fischinger shares her boyfriend's talent for pitching Muxtape without disclosing his relationship to the company.

Is Jakob Lodwick the moneyman behind Muxtape?

Nicholas Carlson · 04/07/08 02:40PM

Jakob Lodwick now admits he's involved with Justin Ouellette's Muxtape. What the Connected Ventures cofounder, ousted from his job at the IAC-backed venture by Barry Diller, doesn't disclose: a financial stake in Ouellette's online mix-tapes project. We hear it's more than plausible Lodwick is an early investor in the startup. Lodwick has already shown a willingness to invest in projects he admires, such as David Karp's Tumblr. Before publicly disclosing his employ with Muxtape, we asked Lodwick to explain his connection to Muxtape. In an email, Lodwick changed the subject to fantasies of his personal life.