
Paris Hilton: 'I Can't Stand Black Guys'

Maureen O'Connor · 03/22/11 03:50PM

Paris Hilton's racism is well documented. In his forthcoming book Everyone Loves You When You're Dead, professional poon-chaser Neil Strauss adds another instance of Hilton horror: When she was 18, Paris told Strauss she had a "one percent" rule against dating black men. "I can't stand black guys. I would never touch one. It's gross."

Courtney Love Wants to Snort Kurt Cobain's Ashes

Maureen O'Connor · 03/16/11 10:23AM

Courtney Love offers to "take a metal straw" to Kurt Cobain's remains. Charlie Sheen enters the t-shirt business. Gilbert Gottfried regrets his tsunami jokes. Joe Jonas swears he's not gay. Wednesday gossip communes with the beyond.

Charlie Sheen Finally Admits 'I'm Losing My Mind'

Maureen O'Connor · 03/09/11 11:10AM

Charlie Sheen says he's "ready to call anyone for help," but is this just another senseless rant, or has his mania abated? Lindsay Lohan's maybe-stolen necklace hits the auction block. Amanda Seyfried gets Botox at 25. Wednesday gossip crashes into a deep depression.

This Man Is the Thin Skeevy Line Standing Between Law and Chaos

John Cook · 03/02/11 03:04PM

Neil Strauss, America's favorite awful porn-star ghostwriter and creepy vagina wrangler, has taken up the fight against American's criminals. His book The Game is, according to a press release his publicist sent us yesterday, "required reading for FBI agents," and he was recently asked to train a group of agents on his patented techniques for mesmerizing women/defeating villains.

Your Future Boyfriend Was At the Neil Strauss Pickup Seminar

Sheila · 01/09/08 03:06PM

Self-styled creepysexycool pickup artist, The Game author, and sometimes Rolling Stone-writer Neil Strauss was working his magic for a rapt crowd of mostly men at Barnes and Noble last night. Radar reports that he handed out advice on how to get the kind of girls you want (sluts mostly), and how girls with emotional needs are bad for your game. No word yet on the obvious homoeroticism of the PUA community. (Semen stains, and methods for their removal, were also discussed). [Radar]

Neil Strauss Shares The Meaning Of Life

Pareene · 11/26/07 05:10PM

When last we heard from Neil "Style" Strauss, rock critic turned shiny headed Game author/pickup artist, he was excitedly announcing that he'd gotten the film rights to his book back. This weekend, he emailed friends again to inform them of... well, the meaning of life. Yes. It involves the Bible and Wii Tennis and also The Game, natch. Just read the email!

abalk · 08/13/07 01:40PM

Times TV-watcher Virginia Heffernan reviews VH1's new reality series 'Douche School': "[I]t's no wonder that Mystery has a reputation for getting results, turning schlubs into ladies' men. (Neil Strauss, a former reporter and critic for The New York Times, chronicled Mystery's methods and adventures in his best seller "The Game." He was also won over to the technique, and used it to seduce women himself.)" [NYT]

Neil "Style" Strauss Gets 'Game' Option Back

Doree Shafrir · 02/27/07 05:30PM

So last February, About A Boy director and screenwriter Chris Weitz was going to direct the movie version of Neil Strauss' pickup scheme The Game for Columbia. But now that option on the film has expired, and Neil—who took on the persona of "Style" in his book, and now apparently calls himself that at all times—could not be happier. He'll finally get to make the movie that he really deserves, as an email he just sent out to his Stylelife "secure list" (oops!) so insanely expressed.

Neil Strauss To More Subtly Seduce Women

Doree Shafrir · 02/16/07 05:19PM

We somehow overlooked UrbanDaddy's Valentine's Day interview with The Game author/Courtney Love captive Neil Strauss when it came out, but even now, in the harsh light of two days later, it still has a certain ... poignancy.

Neil Strauss: Being More Boratty = Catnip to the Ladies

Emily Gould · 11/15/06 05:10PM

Apparently, Neil Strauss's Rolling Stone interview with Sasha Baron Cohen — the first that Borat's creator has shucked his moustache and fictitious persona for — isn't half bad. But the lessons he learned from the interview — and promptly shared with his mailing list of desperate ugly wannabe Pick Up Artists — show us why he's so beloved of Judith "OJ Profiteer" Regan.
In the email, he tells of adopting an alter ego who sounds very familiar:

One Year Later, 'The Game' Makes It To Staten Island

Emily Gould · 11/14/06 11:30AM

Remember way back in the day when there was all that press about Neil Strauss's douchebook, The Game? If you're a lady, you probably remember because around that time some dude who had read one too many of the articles came up to you in a bar and tried to 'neg' you and you were just, like, "What the fuck are you talking about, asshole? Fuck off! Also, why are you wearing a shiny polyester suit?" Anyway, long story short, apparently none of that publicity made it to Staten Island, where today the S. I. Advance reports on what life is like for a P.U.A. (that's pick up artist, for the ten of you who remain blissfully ignorant to Strauss's douchey lexicon) named "Affection," without ever even mentioning the book. Sic sic sic, obvs:

Never Forget Who You Really Are, Neil Strauss!

Jessica · 06/08/06 12:00PM

Ever since he published The Game, his inside account of the secret society of pick-up artists, bestselling author Neil Strauss has been spending less time as writer who helps folks like Jenna Jamison and Motley Crue write their biographies. Instead, Strauss has transformed himself into some sort of shiny-headed self-help guru for dateless dudes everywhere, holding seminars in his living room for those lonely souls willing to enroll in his pick-up artist programs. Now he's gone and made himself a YouTube commercial showing just how far he's come as a player.

Afternoon Ephemera Dump

Jessica · 04/21/06 02:34PM

The Daily traipses about Plum Sykes' fantabulous book party — all pink! Candles! Plum-tinis! But there's a dark side, we learn: Plum's preggers. [The Daily]
• Detroit catches on to the payola hotness: Former Secretary of LaborRobert Reich claims that a GM PR firm offered him cash to speak well of an employee buyout. [Jalopnik]
• Sucks to be Julia Roberts. For once, anyhow. [The Feed]
• The rumored "lost chapter" to Neil Strauss' pickup bible, The Game. No doubt Nick Sylvester is devouring it right now. [Neil Strauss]
• Name the socialite! [Opinionistas]
Seventeen editor Atoosa Rubenstein's MySpace is like an orchid in a sea of carnations. [MySpace]
• Big props to Ronn [sic] Torossian — not only has he managed to get himself involved with the 2nd stripper involved in the Duke lacrosse rape case, but he's got her email on display for everyone. She must be thrilled to have someone so brilliant on her team. [Ronn Torossian]
• Blackface Jesus and testicles. That's all you need to know. [I Keep a Diary (NSFW?)]
• And last but by no means ever the least, Tara Reid lets her nipples come out to play. [Egotastic]