Boys will be boys. Zachary Werrell, 23, is just a boy who happens to be running the campaign of the tea partier who upset House Majority Leader Eric Cantor in last night's Virginia congressional primary. A boy who, like so many others, suddenly realized his Facebook rants could be a liability.

Yahoo News' Garance Franke-Ruta notes that Werrell's Facebook profile—which listed his job as "RINO Hunter" since 1991, the year of his birth—underwent major emergency surgery last night to remove some malignant growths:

From comparing George Zimmerman's shooting of unarmed black teenager Trayvon Martin to abortion to calling for the abolition of the Food and Drug Administration and encouraging the adoption of the silver monetary standard, Zachary Werrell – one of just two paid staffers for the upstart campaign of Randolph-Macon College economics professor [David] Brat – in 2012 and 2013 sought to build a public profile as a socially conservative libertarian voice. The Facebook postings were either taken down or made private overnight Tuesday in the wake of Brat's win, but Yahoo News took screenshots of some of the remarks before they were removed from view. A cached version of Werrell's page remained available on Google as of mid-Wednesday.

Werrell's boss, candidate David Brat, will probably win a congressional seat, which means the young lad will probably get a nice Hill job. Here's a post he deleted that argues pro-choice Americans should be appreciative of George Zimmerman killing a black teenager:

The Virginia politico also endorsed secession—of counties and cities—before thinking better of this post and trying to send it down the memory hole:

More unearthed gems from Yahoo:

On Oct. 25, 2013, he called for an end to the regulation of prescription drugs, citing a story from the Ludwig von Mises Institute. "Abolish the FDA!" he wrote.

On Oct. 29 of that year, it was a piece by Fred Reed from Lew Rockwell's website on "The Wussification of Boys" that set him off. "There is a war on boys!" Werrell wrote. "Rough housing, playing soldier, etc, are all punished or medicated away. And we wonder why there is gender inequality in the classroom and in college/attendance/graduation rates.", whose namesake famously ghostwrote racist newsletters for former Republican congressman and libertarian rockstar Ron Paul, is noted for rants like the one Werrell praises, which states that "Women are totalitarian" and "feminized classrooms are consigning generations of our sons to years of misery and diminished future."

Werrell also apparently decided to privatize his thoughts on monetary policy, which boil down to a bizarre comparison between the value of silver and the value of paper that paper money is printed on:

Werrell's Facebook page is down now, his blog ("Zachary Werrell .com - Life. Liberty. Prosperity.") is in "maintenance mode," and he's not answering any questions about them. But if you'd like to read more of his thoughts on Marx and "Statist Propaganda," here's his Twitter and a cache of his FB.

[Photo credits: LinkedIn/AP via]