
Hamilton Nolan · 09/02/14 04:05PM

Recently defeated House Majority Leader Eric Cantor is joining an investment bank, where he will get rich advising corporate clients on deals. Meanwhile, enrollment in the food stamp program, for which Cantor voted to cut funding, is down. So everyone is doing well.

The Campaign Manager Who Beat Eric Cantor Just Deleted His Facebook

Adam Weinstein · 06/11/14 04:20PM

Boys will be boys. Zachary Werrell, 23, is just a boy who happens to be running the campaign of the tea partier who upset House Majority Leader Eric Cantor in last night's Virginia congressional primary. A boy who, like so many others, suddenly realized his Facebook rants could be a liability.

J.K. Trotter · 06/11/14 03:11PM

Ayn Rand scholar Dave Brat, who just trounced House Majority Leader Eric Cantor in the Virginia primary, did not attend Princeton. In fact, he attended the Princeton Theological Seminary, which is separate from the Ivy League university. Why would anyone lie about attending Princeton?

Taylor Berman · 10/01/13 12:44PM

In this photo tweeted by House Majority Leader Eric Cantor, House Republicans sit across from empty chairs (again with the empty chairs) meant to symbolize absent Democratic leadership from the Senate. Or something.

Whatever Happened to the Violence Against Women Act?

Mobutu Sese Seko · 01/10/13 02:30PM

VAWA died today. Or yesterday maybe, I don't know. America got a telegram from the House: Eric Cantor let the Violence Against Women Act die with many points between it and the Senate bill unreconciled. Maybe it was last week.

This Has Been One 'Hard Fart Primary,' According to Rep. Eric Cantor

Emma Carmichael · 03/05/12 10:15AM

Virginia congressman Eric Cantor went on Meet the Press yesterday to endorse Mitt Romney, and he said "fart" instead of "fought." The representative has a point, of course. The GOP primary race has essentially been one giant, continuous, squelching fart joke. [Via]

Eric Cantor Will Address Income Inequality From Billionaire Shrine

Jim Newell · 10/20/11 01:50PM

House Majority Leader Eric Cantor, who only 13 days ago declared that he was "increasingly concerned about the growing mobs occupying Wall Street and the other cities across the country," appears to have transformed into a radical communist. He's now acknowledging that America's vast income inequality is potentially problematic. He'll flesh out his ideas in a speech tomorrow at that most suffering of institutions, the Wharton School of Business, where most of the people responsible for our income inequality crisis have picked up a degree or two.

Jon Stewart Criticizes Obama for 'Weak' Debt Talks Performance

Matt Cherette · 07/14/11 11:35PM

Negotiations between President Obama and Republican congressional leaders over the nation's debt ceiling hit a roadblock yesterday with reports of Obama storming out of a meeting and telling House Majority Leader Eric Cantor, "Don't call my bluff." And while many praised Obama for standing up to the Republicans, Jon Stewart had a more critical opinion of the president's actions on tonight's Daily Show.

Did Obama Walk Out on the Republicans?

Max Read · 07/13/11 08:06PM

Like everyone else, we miss The West Wing. But it's okay! Democrats and Republicans are trying to put on their own community-theater version of the television program in Washington right now: House Majority Leader Eric Cantor interrupts the president! President Obama storms out of the meeting! And Donna is the victim of a hilarious misunderstanding!