A good diet is one that drains you both physically and spiritually.

For only $99 per day (plus delivery fee), Sakara Life will bring a big bag of greens and water to your door. What makes their $24* “Beauty Water” so special? Business Insider finds out:

I asked DuBoise and Tingle exactly why this water is so special. Apparently, it has trace minerals, rose oil, and silica, which “makes your water wetter so your cells actually uptake more water,” as DuBoise informed me, something I’m still trying to comprehend. Rose oil, she said, helps people de-stress.

As a method to drain the wastrel rich of their wealth and bodily strength all at once, I support this diet.

*UPDATE: We received the following email from a PR representative of Sakara Life:

Just saw your post covering Sakara Life Beauty waters. Would love to send a few your way if you havent tried. They really are yummy.

Quick question for you- The waters are actually sold as a package. They are 4 bottles 16oz for $24. The Sakara website is a little confusing because its not stated in the title, but each bottle is around $6. They are not sold individually.

Four for $24? No thank you. I don’t drink cheap water.

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