Tough day? Long commute to work this morning? At least you're not one of the 18 maniacs currently rowing the 2,400 miles from Monterey, California to Honolulu, Hawaii.

They're competing in the inaugural outing of the Great Pacific Ocean Race, a transoceanic journey that organizers estimate will take anywhere between 30 and 90 days. Seven teams launched their boats Monday, and six others were delayed due to various technical and logistical issues.

Teams must operate strictly on man power — no engines or sails are allowed. Winners, by the looks of the race's website, get a trophy and a trophy only.

Somehow, spirits were high at the starting line Monday. From the Monterey Herald:

"I feel really excited," said Andre Kiers, 42, of Team "Uniting Nations." "We've worked quite hard the last couple weeks so it's good to go."

The Netherlands native said he would most miss coffee and hot showers during the roughly month-long journey.

Nestled inside the sleeping quarters of her 24-foot boat, Rebecca Berger, 41, of Canada, said her two-woman "" team was more worried about bad weather out at sea than the occasional shark or whale.

"We've been working towards this day for 2 1/2 years," she said. "So, it's a special day."

If you are also a masochistic lunatic who enjoys a gentle sea breeze and going months without the luxuries of life on land or any human contact save for the teammates who are slowly grinding away at your nerves until you lose whatever tiny sliver of sanity you once held on to, you can enter the Great Pacific Ocean Race's 2016 edition here.

[Image via Monterey Herald]